Stanley Kubricks hidden footage from fake moon landing

1 year ago

If they lie about a fake moon landing and lie about how titanic sunk and lie about WW2 depopulation wars and lie about world trade centre twin towers being imploded with Mossad Zionist explosives. Lie about sadam hussiens weapons of mass destruction war and being not over oil and s star gate he found in mountains USA army now control. They lie about so much and “eyes wide shut” movie got him killed and was a epic tale on what these illuminati Satanist do at parties. To con people into the occult of world domination. Control people with money and fame. Even control University scholars with defamatory effects if they go against system and lose jobs etc. never ending system of mind bondage. I am level headed and not nuts monash health you dog cxxts. Low as shark shit the whole mental system in western run Freemason countries or common wealth countries. Either lock you up in jails with crimes or mind police you with drugs to control Genius minds that don’t want to be part of there society of scat loving.

Plumber of truth and Joseph the carpenters grandson.

Bennybigballs aka Ben William De Worsley aka Ben William conquerer Pavey.

Ministry of truth, president of Australia Union of truthers and worldwide. Also Anti Freemason australia party president and going to stand for senate in federal parliament one day before 2030. Net/wet zero bullshitery and no more natural gas and fossil fuels prison planet ideas.

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