George Orwell greatest philosopher of this century

1 year ago

George Orwell 1984 and new the agenda from seeing all the bullshitery from 1900-1960’s when he died from to much smoking non organic tobacco. With additives that kill ya quicker and get ya hooked on them more. Make tobacco organic and no additives be a good starter.

Stop this transhumanism and AI and robot agenda he was taking about in 1984. Total Human Resources control of ya mind with forced vaccines to get a contact of employment and contract to work in this mind prism. Just a joke. “Up to you and don’t let it happen”

Ministry of truth and messiah of truth.

Bennybigballs aka Ben William Pavey aka Ben William De Worsley aka Annunaki Pavey

Anti Freemason australia party president and Union of truthers worldwide president.

Pro vaccines and pro government shills just suppress our minds and spread there weak minded sheeple opinions on to us and our families is a disgrace and think they are the wise guys and ego smart arses. With no forethought or strong enough mind to study these evil pricks like George Orwell. Or Alex Jones etc . Other truthers. Mind you Alex Jones is a heliocentric wanker and cooked on fake moon landing and futuristic wanks.

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