Alan Watt - Redux 121 "Tales from the Croc-Pot" - Aug. 6, 2023

1 year ago

Blurb from April 16, 2006 - How Structures are Built in the Mind - A Big Idea - Culture Creation, Drama, Fiction, Symbols, Architecture, Painting - Music is a Powerful Force for Directing the Young - Plato, Licensing Musicians - Socrates, Teaching Youth to Rebel and Bring in Utopian Order - Hollywood, Mixing Fiction and Reality - Science Fiction Authors - Counterintelligence - Medieval Catholic Church, Fears and Terrors of the Subconscious Mind - Function of the Architecture of Churches, Gargoyles - Lilith - Anunaki, Reptilian Creatures - Arthur C. Clarke's novel, Childhood's End - Erich von Daniken's book, Chariots of the Gods? - A Higher Form with More Reptilian Genes - Movie, Enemy Mine - The Machinery Behind Promoting a Book - 1983 TV Miniseries, V - 1984 V Series - von Daniken Exposed as a Fraud - News Today is Half Hollywood - Dusty, Old Books that Contain No Speculation - The Alien Series with Sigourney Weaver, Reptilian Type Creature...Anunaki - Going Through the Biggest Changes Since the Industrial Revolution.

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