1918 trust the sold out Freemason scholars at Saturn box uni’s pricks who are controlled ops.

1 year ago

Sick of PHD Saturn box know it alls. Do a 6-10 yr degree or get a never ending role at a university to spread bullshitery mind prism compartmentalised homosapiens. Come out of a degree on one subject on flat earth. Get a role in a company or government. Think they are holy ministry of truth. Just closed minded puppets on fluoride that get told what to preach. Not one bit of philosophy minded people come out of uni. Many are leaving uni. Due to the fact it’s been taken over by climate alarmist and tranny agenda sexual organ swappers agenda. Just a disgrace the uni system has become and lucky I become a plumber. From being choked at St leonards college in 1993 being in grade 3. By Mr cooper for a whoopie cushion on his teachers seat and then Dr Timothy hawkes puts me in his class in grade 5 for more abuse. Reason I become who I am. Virtue of life conquers all things. Pavey clans family moto. Abusive prick Mr copper and sexually rubbed his cock against me. Schools are abusive and lucky there has been a massive redress scheme in australia for past 50 years and longer of abuse. Also they keep down a baby genius in prep. Due to being a social boy and many in class loving me and distract me from learning and wreck my self esteem. Get bullied for being a dumb fuck for decades and lose out on schooling for rebellion on all 4 high schools I ended up at. Quit school for plumbing. As higher education I want interested in more control by teachers and saw through the mind manipulation and what higher education achievement does. Fuck all for many and just get told what to do harder than a plumber. Just a bunch of shitheads private schools in Victoria australia and dr Timothy hawkes goes and becomes head master at kings college Sydney. Just a wanker who kept me down a grade and then this wanker Ron. At oakleigh primary try’s and keeps my son down the prick at start of yr 5 and said his not staying down grade 4. Now sons best basketball player and chess and artist drawer of comics. Told him not all kids can meet ya stupid Naplan targets and maths minded. Ex wife wanted to keep him down the evil dumb women. Been enslaved by vietnamese northern cousins after the war and grew up being whipped with bamboo in 1990 born till 2008-2009 when I met her in australia sent here by her mothers retired UK Bank of England manager step father to study further. Still a simpleton and gets my two kids vaccinated and she has to be vaccinated with 5 shots being a aged care nurse is disgrace and will die soon from aggressive super cancer killing many lately or strokes. Etc. simpleton my ex wife and doesn’t realise history and abuse in western culture.

Has a ego and thinks I am a dumb arse like Ron the principal of sons primary school. Who I will just pull his pants down like I did to all the little shits who teased me for being dumb and getting psoriasis on scalp from sexual and physically assaulted by Mr cooper and kept down with bullying being a dumb cunt. I would just pull everyone’s pants down to show me how big there ego and cock is.

Told son in grade 5. It’s about time you do that to Any prick with a ego and never stops all ya working life and even with ya partners or wife and parents. As recently I have told mother the truth and had a go at her being dumber than me and may have achieved more in business than me. But at least I have the ability to study and learn if I want. Just my schooling was corrupted by egotistical maniacs.

Like the doctors and governments poisoning our past ancestry that colonised New Zealand cousins and First Nation NZ homosapien couisns. Disgrace on all tribes and abuse keeping kids down creates a study in USA. Tells you what happens to kids when you keep them down. Feel like you have to do a extra year of school and school is just a egotistical kids and young adults all in competition mode.

As I said to Ron, this worlds as very competitive world with this systems in place and you know nothing. These principles think they know better and Ron I will drive over his foot in my electric wheelchair or pull his pants down a school fete. Because you can’t fight fate Ron burgundy. Biggest communist labor red cxxt and even told me his brother stayed down and did worse in life than him. So he knows what happens and does. It to my kid and others. Or they target my family deliberately and that dog cxxt will cop karma. See how big his cock is with them black slacks he wears daily a black Kim Jong ung outfit. Wonder if I get done for assault or tried again for false claims by Australian government and Victorian mental health department I have bipolar disorder and one day they up it to schizophrenic and need blue pill medication. Not my progressive multiple sclerosis and pain management not controlled by THC and CBD oil therapy funded by government. They want me on taramdol and big pharma pricks. Government in australia are pricks. Monash mental health department and Victoria police just target me now with mind control and bullshitery abusive ideas on my mind.

Lucky mother supports me and woken up to world she lives in. As fathers asleep and supports me and wife thinks I am crazy. She is just another Asian been abused my Markos snr golden gun and house in Mayfair street UK. He loves monopoly and James Bond. Catholicism my current wife’s wrecked the minds of phillipines and Spanish empire colonised them shit and left them in poverty to control them better. While they have a Freemason elite class and similar to Australia phillipines but more extreme poverty and uneducated homosapiens.

Lucky I stopped her from vaccination of Covid crown flu 19 and nearly end up in huge fights over it and caused our marriage to still struggling these days from government abuse. That’s what they want. Families at war over ideas from government.

Also being a “Mamluk” bloodline and Mohammad bloodline I don’t drink spirits and all my neighbours are spirit cooked cirrhosis of liver pâté tossers. Who call police when we have arguments. Total fuckery in australia at moment. With vaccinated wankers just spirit cooked and us weed heads can’t toke or take oils without expensive scripts and system. Left in huge amounts of pain. And fluoride closed off third eye non spiritual neighbours.

Anyway called them all out for being wankers. Being a Campbell & McKenna & worlsey & allen. I can handle cxxts and mind numb morons.

Also fighting with monash health for wrong triage in 2020 to not neurological department I needed and to P-ward over Christmas for bullshitery. Want the file changed and looked at. Taken them to health complaints commission and mental health complaints commission.

Disgrace this society what people do to humans. With there shit arse opinions. Never stops till death.

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