Abigail project from operation paper clip nazi / NASA space heliocentric mind prism maniacs.

1 year ago

Abigail project and Area 51. Operation German Nazi scientists cousin’s sent all over USA , Australia, Canada and UK. To keep up there mind manipulation experiments on homosapiens and even there own kids is sick to Satan. They just sacrifice there own kids these devils and even Kayne west sacrifice his mother and others there sons. Now hellywood just Baphomet them to transsexualism. As that’s a sacrifice to Satan and there blood contracts make them save three kids. As long they turn them into transitioned humans. Not being able to breed. Depopulation tools.

“Operation paper clip “ “MKultra” and even “Allen institute in Canada is a joke. Named after my cousins “Allen” In Canada. Like Bill gates giving Microsoft founder “Allen” cancer and killing him off, so he can control that system. Disgrace history and thank god another Allen cousin made ancestry dot com. Easy platform to trace history. Which I have conquered back to all bloodlines and know more about bloodlines than santos bonnaci. Thinks Medici and Farnese bloodlines are rothschilds is a joke. The Medici wore bankers for vatican and Rothschilds central bankers are now and control the gold vaults worldwide with aliens or ET’s or reptilians. Inner earth mayhem. Antarctica treaty still needs signing by all countries and runs out this year. Is Russia and other countries like China ever war over that land mass ? No . Because they are all busy in slaving humanity. With Saturn black box PhD or governments crazed egotistical maniacs who think they have power running some parts of society with bullshitery.

So many egos and no ministry of truthers wanting better for society.

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