How to Prevent Against Estrangement in Marriage

1 year ago

In observation of 2023 National Marriage Week USA, I will present 7 videos, premiering at 7:00pm EST, Feb. 7-13 daily.

2/7: How to Talk with a Spouse After Discovering Pornography Use
2/8: Top 3 Secrets in Raising a Porn Free Child
2/9: Listen, Don’t Lecture: How to Get Your Spouse & Children to Open Up More
2/10: How to Deepen Your Friendship with Your Spouse
2/11: 25+ Years: The 3 Biggest Challenges and What to Do to Create a Thriving (Not Surviving) Relationship
2/12: How to Prevent Against Estrangement in Your Marriage
2/13: The Golden Years of Marriage: Getting Ready to Retire
2/14 – No Video. Happy Valentine’s Day! Celebrate your marriage by having a date night at home or out.

Author of “Porn Free: How to Decrease the Demand for Pornography” I am an advocate for lifelong happy marriage. My husband Bob and I have been married since 1985, and have six children and two grandchildren. I am the former host of “Your Marriage Matters” Podcast. You can check out the episodes here

Author Profile on Amazon:
Porn Free book:
Reenergize Your Marriage in 21 Days ebook:

Integrity Restored Podcast: Episodes 147, 148, 149.

Part 6: Dr. John Gottman's Sound Relationship House is an excellent model to use to prevent against estrangement. In this video, I talk about many ways you can combat estrangement. It's never too late if you feel estrangement in your marriage. It will take effort and action, and it can be overcome. Take a look at some of my previous Your Marriage Matters podcast episodes on this channel.

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