UCLA scientists expose how USA deep state invented crack and LSD to wreck society and depopulation

1 year ago

UCLA invented crack and LSD for deep state CIA, Rockerfellers, Rothschilds, royal Freemason worldwide and vatican Jesuits. They do not give a stuff about humanity or our homosapiens race. They just care about making us better serfdoms and simpletons. With generational prisoners. My great great great grandfather Robert Mills jnr was a pineal colony prisoner from stealing money from his butchers owner in Hampshire UK. Was poor and had a gambling addiction etc. sent to australia as a prisoner and how many blacks and whites got locked up with crack for decades. To bloody many to fill there Freemason owned private jails. Even USA civil wars created nothing and got no freedoms. We get our guns taken off us by a setup. While chairman Costello buys a 60-70 body morgue truck refrigerator. Parked at port Arthur tourist jail park. Victorian cops are stated as saying in 1995 they have new night vision scopes and weapons. They are stationed there when a 50% IQ autistic kid from heavy metals supposedly went on a killing spree is a joke. Now they shock therapy his brain to erase everything and feed him chocolate and is a sodomiting poor man in prison. Case is sealed by queen lizard 7th cousin on ancestry dot com through “Bowes” Scottish mother’s bloodline. Case sealed for 99yrs. That was 19 yrs ago. 80 years these documents will be passed down and hopefully case re looked at.

But when you realise the government is run by Freemason police, military and royal Freemason is a joke. Jesuits are scumbags and all Rott in hell you devils. Creating a crack addiction world wides a joke. Many friends have ended up in prison and dead. Just in Australia from crack. Go to hell you manipulative agents of Satan.

All your legacies mean shit you fake ass mother cluckers. No intelligence and just soul selling fake arse pricks many. Hide behind Jesus the messiah of truths crucifixion. Think you elite families mean shit on flat earth and think ya PHD means something.

Just money whorish and simpletons. Drugging people on mass and creating poverty. Depopulation and not letting homosapiens become enlightened like a Buddhist. Lucky I am multi faith and study all religions. Not a closed minded flop like many.

Lot of love Bennybigballs Aka Ben William de worsley aka Ben William Pavey aka messiah of truth down under aka Australia Union of truther President for life and Anti Freemason australia party leader.

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