Predictive programming or philosophy of reality we live in. Many these days live in virtual reality

1 year ago

Prediction programming or just philosophy from hellywood Satanist exposing what reality is. As many are just caught rat racing on a wheel trying to make money to keep up with the Jones. Or these days called “keeping up with devils kardashians” worldwide simplified maniacs I call them. Caught on YouTube or sociopath book/ FB. Or many homosapiens, like Klaus Schwab said “ will be controlled more by Human Resources division in the company you slave for. Serfdom life for and if you don’t get vaccinated or take on transhumanism you lose ya wealth or job. Have to live outside the matrix like a Amish old school living. Is the key these days. Stuff ya climate hyperbole bullshitery and Net/wet zero targets to tax us to more poverty. People in Melbourne Australia are sleeping rough in winter on mass. The system is designed to destroy ya soul. Unless you sell your morals to the system. Like sheeple all getting vaccinated and having malcolm roberts in Australia senate call out. 33000 Australian homosapiens dead this year extra. Than pre 2019 National death statistics. No answers and when someone ring dumb Xavier money whorish foolish wank. Tom Elliot on 3AW he said send me the stats. Well Tom you dumb arse it’s at ABS - Australia bureau of Statistics. These puppets that manipulate in media need hanging.

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