Miles Guo Can Still Continue to Apply for Bail

1 year ago

08/05/2023 【Miles’ Insight】Brother Changdao: Mr. Miles Guo's withdrawal of the appeal against the Court of Appeals 2nd Circuit's affirmation of bail denial does not equate to giving up on seeking bail. However, if he proceeds with another bail application, the conditions presented or the basis for seeking bail will undergo significant changes. For instance, this might be due to Mr. Guo's unique contributions and other factors.
08/05/2023 【Nicole看七哥】长岛哥:郭先生撤销对第二巡回法庭关于拒绝保释决定的上诉,不等于放弃申请保释。但如果接下来继续申请保释,提出的条件或者保释的依据将出现重大变化,比如因为郭先生有特殊的贡献等等。

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