The Bright Side with Ben Fuchs August 5th 2023.mp4

1 year ago

Saturday August 5th

Udo Erasmus

After being poisoned by pesticides in 1980, I seriously turned my passion and attention to health. I obsessively studied scientific literature, created a method for making good oils with health in mind, developed the first ever flax seed oil, authored several books on the effects of oils on health: Fats and Oils; Fats That Heal Fats That Kill, Choosing the Right Fats, Omega 3 Cuisine, and enthusiastically educated the public in about 40 countries on the effects of oils on health and disease.

In 1992, I developed healthy whole foods supplements for dogs, cats, and horses. In 1994, I developed an oil blend that is both better balanced and more effective than flax oil. I followed this with probiotics blends and digestive enzyme blends in 1997, and a year later developed prebiotic fiber and green blends. My Udo's Choice product line still sells all over the world.

For 15 years, I spent six to nine months a year living out of a suitcase to spread the message of good oils and health. I have passionately given 5,000+ live presentations on nutrition and health, 3,000+ media interviews, 1,500 staff trainings and traveled to 30+ countries with my message on oils, health, nature, and human nature.

I have had the pleasure and honor to grace the stages with luminaries like Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra, keynoted international conferences, and lectured in conferences on five continents.

Now I am writing on many different titles and topics, including an autobiography. I consult, present, take on the key global issues of our time, and spearhead projects on peace, health, energy, environment, and education.

My fervor and fire are now focused on sustainable energy and water management, as well as healthcare based in nature and human nature, the nature of human nature, and the thirst of the heart resulting in perfect health for you, your family and the world.

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