Taking A Stand: Sinéad O'Connor

1 year ago

Sinéad O'Connor interviewed by Marian Finucane.
Unknown date - between 1991 and 1995 but can not find any other references online.

Sinéad O'Connor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sin%C3%A9ad_O%27Connor
Marian Finucane https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marian_Finucane

Montrose Productions
A Montrose Production for R.T.E. (RTÉ Ireland's National Television and Radio Broadcaster)

Original Broadcast: SBS Australia
Broadcast Date: 1995 (between July and December)
Source: VHS cassette
Format: PAL
Mode: SP
Audio: Mono

Originally captured on 12th March 2019.
Video quality is poor because of the low signal received of the UHF broadcast that was recorded at the time.

This recording is intended for historical preservation. Copyright is held by their respective owners.
Analogue to digital conversion is a time consuming process as it must be done in real time monitoring the video tracking and audio levels with a mixing console.
For more technical details see https://www.didz.me/vhs

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