Bantu Hebrew Israelite Guy Said The Bible Was Corrupted & Christianity Is Rooted In Paganism

1 year ago

This Episode touches on the belief that Christian beliefs and practices are rooted in ancient paganism. The main discussion topic in this episode is: 1. The Trinity 2. Holy Communion 3. Easter & Good Friday 4. Sunday Worship 5. Jesus Christ Identity

1. What is the Trinity? The Holy Trinity is the belief that God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one in the same. Each of them has a role and exist as three entities, but they ultimately comprise one main entity.

2. What is Holy Communion?
Holy Communion is a sacred time of fellowship with God, where believers remember Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. In this unique time of worship, believers commemorate the Lord's death through prayer and meditation. It is accompanied by partaking of a small piece of bread and sip of wine (grape juice).

3. What is Good Friday and Easter?
Good Friday commemorates Jesus Christ's crucifixion. Christians observe the day by fasting and attending church services or re-enactments of Jesus Christ's last hours. Easter Sunday commemorates Jesus Christ's resurrection from death. It is believed that after his death and burial, he rose from the grave on a Sunday.

4. Why do Christians go to church on Sunday?
It is regarded by most Christians as the Lord's Day, or the weekly memorial of Jesus Christ's Resurrection from the dead. The practice of Christians gathering together for worship on Sunday dates back to apostolic times.

5. Who are the Bantu people?
Kundai (panelist) identifies as a Bantu Israelite. The Bantu people are an ethnolinguistic grouping of approximately 400 distinct native African ethnic groups who speak Bantu languages. The languages are native to 24 countries spread over a vast area from Central Africa to Southeast Africa and into Southern Africa. There are several hundred Bantu languages.

6. Who are Black Hebrew Israelites?
Black Hebrew Israelites (also called Hebrew Israelites, Black Hebrews, Black Israelites, and African Hebrew Israelites) are a religious movement claiming that African Americans are descendants of the ancient Israelites. Some sub-groups believe that Native and Latin Americans are descendants of the Israelites as well. Black Hebrew Israelites combine elements to their teaching from a wide range of sources to varying degrees. Black Hebrew Israelites incorporate certain aspects of the religious beliefs and practices of both Christianity and Judaism, though they have created their own interpretation of the Bible, and other influences. Many choose to identify as Hebrew Israelites or Black Hebrews rather than Jews in order to indicate their claimed historic connections.[

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