House Inspection with spiders, crickets and a clogged drain in Glendale

1 year ago

To identify the presence of crickets in your home, look for the following signs:

Chirping sounds: Male crickets produce a distinctive chirping sound, especially at night, to attract females. This sound can help you identify their presence.

Droppings: Crickets leave behind small, black or brown droppings that resemble tiny pellets.

Damage to fabrics and materials: Crickets are known to feed on various organic materials, including fabrics, paper, and even certain foods. Check for any signs of damage to these items.

Sightings: Crickets are generally active at night, so you may spot them hopping around in dimly lit areas or when turning on lights suddenly.

Regarding an abundance of daddy long-leg spiders in a garage, it is essential to understand that these spiders are not dangerous and are usually considered beneficial as they prey on other insects. However, if their numbers become overwhelming or bothersome, it could be due to the presence of their primary food source, which is other small insects. Common reasons for an increase in daddy long-leg spiders in a garage include:

Insect attraction: The garage may have an abundance of insects like flies, mosquitoes, or gnats, which are the primary food source for daddy long-leg spiders.

Shelter: Garages often provide a suitable environment for spiders to build their webs and seek shelter.

To get rid of both crickets and daddy long-leg spiders, follow these steps:

Reduce food sources: Keep the garage clean and free of clutter. Regularly clean up any spilled food, and avoid leaving pet food out for extended periods.

Seal cracks and gaps: Inspect the garage for any openings that might be allowing insects and spiders to enter, and seal them properly.

Use sticky traps: Place sticky traps in areas where you have noticed cricket activity or spider webs. These traps can help catch the insects and spiders.

Remove webs: Periodically remove spider webs to discourage daddy long-legs from building their webs in your garage.

Use insecticides: If the infestation is severe and the above methods don't yield satisfactory results, you can use insecticides labeled for indoor use to treat areas where crickets and spiders are found. Be sure to follow the instructions on the product carefully.

Seek professional help: If the infestation persists or if you're dealing with other types of spiders or pests, it's best to contact a pest control professional who can address the issue effectively and safely.

Feel free to send me a question in the comments section. This is a great home, just needs some updating and cleanup.


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