i wouldn't be doin standup if good didn't overcome evil + ag reads Psalm34

1 year ago

yes two hats
so like me to sit in my car n read the Psalms instead of doin standup
david reminds me that this is totally legit
many are the afflictions of the righteous
every human emotion is in the Psalms
many struggle w/ understanding and accepting their emotions
conflicted becuz i am afflicted
such a relief, these words
nietzsche said that christians ain't joyous so i'd say that's pretty accurate
many christians don't have empathy for what they don't understand
i accept this darkness so God gives me the light of understanding
let's pretend that fathers always exist
patriarchy makes sense when men do what they're supposed to do
i think that a lotta women struggle w/ what i am talking about here and they prove it in their self-destructive behavior
fear-mongering, judgment, n of course $$$
God understands and He ain't mad at chu for being depressed
guilt drags it out, how much time we have wasted
i just had to beat myself up about it
alcoholism just made sense at the time
the Lord is near those that are brokenhearted and He will save those that are humble in spirit
if you strive to be a good person then you got nothin to worry about
good vs. evil always n forever
the devil has to be a little bitch about it
be prepared for a mighty attack
when the devil attacks, remember that God's got yer back

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