1 year ago

Demons in the flesh masquerading as Government Officials?

Paul Liddle - Here is someone using a camera with special lenses.

Very Interesting video

Like from the movie

They Live !!

You decide... Fact or Fiction?


Paul Liddle

Here is someone using a camera with special lenses showing u the SERPENT SEED (illuminati) are DEMONS in the FLESH, they are
MASQUERADING as Government Officials, they may look like us, but they are NOT LIKE US, have u seen John Carpenter's 1988 Movie THEY LIVE with former wrestler Roddy Piper ( this movie was showing u this type of Technology, il add a short video clip in the comments and i will add the full movie for u to watch, Roddy even admitted the movie
WASN'T Science Fiction it was a
DOCUMENTARY of the TRUE Reality of this World, years ago there was a Dr called Walter Kilner (1847-1920) he Invented a DYE called DICYANIN, special glasses were made with it which allowed those who wore them to SEE the UNSEEN Spiritual World that is all around us and to see the AURAS of people and the DEMONS that are IN the FLESH. il add an old post of mine in the comments of Justin Snow, he shows us his eyes CHANGING into snake eyes, have u seen Prince Charles ADMITTING in his own words that he is a DESCENDANT of Vlad the Impaler (DRACULA) ( il add that video in the comments if u haven't seen it, this World is NOT what u all think it is, WAKE UP from the devil's SPELL that the TeLEvision has put u all under, its a FAKE Reality & 4 -S the Royal Family, all the top Celebrities u love and those who CONTROL this EVIL DARK World .

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