Story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) | How Allah Almighty save Ibrahim AS from Fire | what was his dream

1 year ago

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Asslamoalaikum, اسلام علیکم to everybody, our channel is for about ISLAMIC HISTORY and in this video we will explain you about..Stories/Life of Messengers of Allah are certainly always a good example for our life today. So learn to understand the various wisdom of their life would be very useful for us.

Ibrahim, known as Abraham in the Hebrew Bible, was given the title ‘ خليل الله’ KHALILULLAH’, which means ‘the friend of Allah’. Ibrahim (A.S.) was the forefather of many great Prophets and is held in high esteem by all the major revealed religions i-e Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Ibrahim (A.S.) belongs to the 25 prophets mentioned in the Quran. He is also among the five prophets of Ulul’azm (Arch-Prophets) as these five prophets have books and divine religious laws. These five prophets of Allah are Noah [Nuh (A.S.)], Abraham [Ibrahim (A.S.)], Moses [Musa (A.S.)], Jesus [Esa (A.S.)], and Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.).

Ibrahim (A.S.) is mentioned by name 69 times in Quran.

There are different narrations, by different Islamic Scholars, about the age of Ibrahim (A.S.). Some say that he lived for 169 years, some say he lived on earth for 175 years and some says that Ibrahim’s (A.S.) age was 195 years. However, all narrations suggest that Ibrahim (A.S.) lived form more than 150 years on earth.

Ibrahim (A.S.) is a prophet who is tested by Allah and despite severe trials and challenges, Ibrahim (A.S.) was shown as a servant who kept his promise and always showed a respectable attitude. As Allah says in Al-Quran:


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