Cottonpatch Blues by George McClure - TexWest Blues & Swing

1 year ago

Cottonpatch Blues by George McClure - TexWest Blues & Swing
"I was born in the Land of Cotton,
way down near Atlantic Island
oh Lord that was the land for me
A little truck farm and a vegetable garden,
peach trees in the summer sunshine
yessir, I thought it was for me"

"But everything changed and I grew older,
I thought I'd like the weather colder,
so I loaded up and headed for Calgary
Got me a little ol' Eskimo bride
with the lighted fire in her eyes,
oh Lord I thought she was for me.

"I got the Cottonpatch Blues down in my shoes
come on babe whatya got to lose
just come on down to the Sunny Side of Life
just fly down South where the people talk slower,
hey, just come on over
Just come on down to the Sunny Side of Life."

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