Bible Mysteries Podcast - Episode 148: The Coming Wrath - The Earth

1 year ago

Bible Mysteries Podcast - Episode 148: The Coming Wrath - The Earth

Show Notes

We that are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ are delivered from the wrath to come. Christ is returning, first to gather His church to take us out of the way, then to come back seven years later with an army that will destroy the kingdom of the antichrist. In addition to the book of Revelation, there are many passages that describe the coming wrath. We are going to focus this three-part series on one of the most descriptive passages: Isaiah 24.

The episode brought to you by our Premium Subscribers or Seekers:
William H., Brian M., Rodney Y., Wanda B. and Erik C.

Fade away - Heb. nāḇēl (naw-bale’): to be senseless, to be foolish
to regard or treat as foolish
to treat with contempt
to sink or drop down, languish, wither and fall, fade
to fall, wither and fall, fade
to droop

All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible

Romans 5:9, Romans 1:18-23, Isaiah 24:1, Isaiah 24:2, Isaiah 24:3, Isaiah 24:4, Psalm 14:1-4, Isaiah 24:5, Genesis 9:9-16, Isaiah 24:6, Malachi 4:1-3, Revelation 16:8-9, 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10

I use a Tyndale large print King James Bible that can be found here:


The earth will undergo cataclysmic devastation in the wrath of God. Those who are fear-mongers about climate change are right about one thing; the climate is about to change in a big way. Not because of increased CO2; It is warming in preparation for the Lord’s wrath, where men will be burnt up! The earth will burn as an oven, likely due to solar flares and other phenomena that we couldn’t possibly control. It will be turned upside down, likely meaning a polar shift. Man can do nothing to stop this!

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