1 year ago

,Questionable I always like to Use it as 6 as the 15th Letter is O not 0 But the Way its design seems like it takes up an area of 6 digits. When Used around 1 area Like 12346789 it surrounds the Core 5. When Adding to a single digit as 50=5 60=6 but 59=5+9=14=1+4=5 so 0+9 become the Same yet in Life Birth 9 Hi number reduces to Life 6 Touchdawn Convert 1 Day Rest on G-ds Life for You the Connection to the Alter WOrld. as well 33 is 6 and 3x3=6, 3+3=9=6=15=6 when the 60 seconds run down on the Clock or Soccer Run up to 90 6x1.5=9 4x1.5=6 105 Hand God 7.5 the Moon Birth of Both Seixes you can only be one 6 from a 9 birth although it is 9 M 9 F male Fe Male

Hmm. I m not sure. Learning all that we know is a skeleton something more exists. Learn about the Names Planets the days of the Week and their Number Value. Connect all that you know in numbers to all with the same numbers. I m just guessing where to start. Learn the Zodiac Signs and their Numbers. The Names of the Earth Moon and a few stories about some planets and the zodiac. no need to harshly remember it will sink in on its own. A 1 Z 26 Reverse Z 1 A 26. Know some Cycles and Birth days Days of Referance. Valentine 10 2 Mercury 103. Sept 7 September 103 10 J 3 C Jesus Christ 151 Mars 11 Student of 21 BJ Black 25 Jack 29=54 Sun Love. Sun Tan Babees. By the Ocean in the Bay of Fundme....... Two sides of the street odd even. opposite words and their numbers. Different games and their numbers as wel as the Number of the Game. First Initials Count Pool 58 as 16+42 L 16 OOP 42... Do not get involved in un just things. Do not feel an Obligation because others are doing it.... Mix your Colors up on paper as per just the name of the Color where you can find them.. Good Morning. ben here 20 Years. Know their is something beyond this World and we are in a TV SET Soon at the End When the Pro gram Chanelling ends we move on.. Nine Lives On a New

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