Victory over the Medical Establishment and the Grace and Scott Schara Lawsuit

1 year ago

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Kari and I work on a medical malpractice / malfeasance case of Grace Shara, a seventeen year old who the hospital placed a ‘do not resuscitate” order on and refused to hear her parents’ wishes.
We discover how we can help and set the energetic environment for the court hearing- it is a beautiful powerful experience to create this.

We insert a pillar-of-light and accompanying toroid field of high energy into the court room, give energetic gifts to the jurors and design a capture system for the defendant as soon as they begin speaking. In addition to allowing the essence of truth to the hearing….
We see a new practice introduced, where doctors have to prove their track record, reversing the previous system and we see the, “do not resuscitate” orders being ripped to shreds.

00.36 the training of doctors and nurses and their practices.
1.12 How would you weed -out between the true healers and the others in int for fear, control and money.
2.00 what influences us away from hospitals and into naturopathy? I share my experiences which led me to only use natural medicine and keeping my body healthy.
4.30 Having to see my children receive jabs…
5.00 discussing the various ways the medic institutions operate to kill people.
6.00 the question is, how much HUMAN is in these medical right now?
6.50 we look at the percentage of true-souled medics and find that 24-37% are ‘good’ with souls, and 63% are not.
7.40 The story of Grace Schara and her dad, Scott Schara’s lawsuit agains the hospital who killed her.
10.20 I tell that story to Kari.
11.10 The amniocentesis probe how we take that for granted too…
12.00 Kari “Pure love” all the Down Syndrome children we’ve met, “they bring some great gifts, I’ll tell you.”
12.45 Ask to be guided to know what we code do here. “I have the idea of ripping-up the do not resuscitate order.” and “The medical profession ship have to go through a license check - before a tribunal, to make sure they are practicing properly.” I love this…we both love this
14.44 Referring to Rainer Füllmich with the Nuremberg mark 2 covid trials
16.30 Things ARE changing…
17.00 “All we need is one half of one percent of people to get involved…” the Tactical Civics aim for change
17.30 Scott Schara maintaining his court case and Rainer Füllmich’s coming eventually…
18.50 using my own court case example as a place to hatch ideas for influence…
21.20 The judge and the lawyer…a blackmail story
22.10 The moral of the story…we can positively influence the judge and the jury in Grace’s court case.
22.30 i saw a network of hexagons in front of my eyes….the way we can see the matrix…
23.23 Kari: we start with the jury
23.50 Let’s start with filling the court room with high energy. Very often court rooms have an accumulation of very disgusting energy. We put on our protective gear ( Kari is in a hazmat suit- looks like an astronaut suit…. :) we laugh )…
24.50 Karti takes for her soul room an ‘extra’ pillar of light to plant in the centre of the court room.
25.00 We explode with the power of that!
25.09 Kari “I’ve been waiting to us Amy pillars of light for thirty years!”
25.20 I see plants also entering the court room..the energy of the earth rising up through the ground…
( We are getting ‘high’ on the energy of the transformation….)
26.00 Kari just popped that pillar of light out of her little finger….” I’ve just known about them for a long time, I’ve had them in my houses from time to time…”
27.00 We decide the pillar of light will remain in there from now on…ad infinitum…
27.20 Grace is ‘in the room’ with us…
27.45 Kari starts to see energy tunnel down into the pillar….we see the energy coming from Grace…
28.10 All the presiding judges will begin to notice the change in atmosphere…
28.22 We set up a law of attraction-based-pull for incorruptible jury members…normally not possible…
29.30 Imagining a dish over the defendant ( I mistakenly say ‘prosecutor’….but the hospital lawyer…) to make his sphere of influence highly limited. “Die Glocke” like a glass bell…as soon as he comes in the room it goes down over him. -Tower of babel style….
31.15 Putting divine light on the jurors chairs and a little soul-tailored energy present for each of them to receive, which brings them to a memory state of joy, so that they are receptive to the truth.
32.30 Kari puts divine light allover the chairs, cleaning the negative and introducing high frequency. Burning it off, spraying it down with ‘low frequency remover’….
33.30 Kari asks for the Great Beings in higher dimensions, such as May Magdalene, Mother Mary, Jesus, …the eleven souls of the Jeshua group to join the trial.
34.50 Kari: “can I invite Lilith?” and I say how many bad stories there are about her…Adama, was he a man or a people…..
36.24 We invite the Christ Consciousness…..Kari: “we throw in some extra power there..” to brin gin even more compassion to make sur ethic case is stalled int he most compassionate way to favour the father of Grace and that justice is done and this message …is representative…a massive ripple is brought about by this.
37.30 We speed through time to next Spring to see the ‘wake’ of this.
37.50 Kari: “nobody trusts the medical profession any more and their medical histories need to be revealed….”
38.30 the ripple effect will be huge.
39.00 the judge’s mouth will drop open….


“It” got personal, 20 years ago when it swallowed-up my children, took them away into space which pretended it was churchly, but which actually did its level best to separate my children from me, their Source connection and their innate, exquisite creativity.

Know what I did?

I launched into making that WRONG a RIGHT: I devoted my entire energy to developing work for children which would bring them proper harmonious contact with their Inner Being, ensuring them access, trust, confidence and love with their CREATIVE SOURCE- God.

It has got personal again.

I KNOW all about the darkness waging its rage against humanity- I have studied and written about healing its ways for decades. But now I am ACTING upon it with all the deliberate tools in my Full Human potential!

And YOU here, reading this, are a part of this!

INSPIRITION: the name I received for my band= to enliven and encourage. Well, that beautiful name is what I shall be doing with you:

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I will be training you ,reminding, inspiring and encouraging you, HOW you can use your CONSCIOUSNESS, your IMAGINATION, your heart, soul and mind, to AFFECT CHAGE in the spiritual realms.
Those are all the realms we cannot touch with our fingertips and pronounce to be ‘real”. They ARE very real.

Change that ENERGY-STUFF, and you trigger WHOLE AVALANCHES of change.
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