The United States Corporations

1 year ago

These kinds of things aren’t exactly taught in school. We are all learning.

The Three Corporate Empires of Control:
• London - Financial Control
• The Vatican - Spiritual Control
• The District of Columbia - Military Control

The flag of the District of Columbia is made up of three red stars, one for three city states for three city empires.

The Constitution for the District of Columbia operates under a tyrannical Roman Law, known as Lex Fori— “the law of the country in which an action is brought.” Which bears no resemblance to the US Constitution.

When Congress passed the Act of 1871, it created a separate corporate government for the District of Columbia.

This treasonous act allowed the District of Columbia to act as a Corporation outside the original Constitution of the United States.

The United States has always been & still is (was) a British Crown Colony.

In 1913, the US Congress committed the greatest theft in World History… Signing the Federal Reserve Act, handing over Americas Gold & Silver reserves, and total control of Americas economy.

The Federal Reserve is a Privately Owned Banking System whose majority CLASS A shareholders are:
• Rothschilds
• Lazard bros
• Israel Seiff
• Kuhn Loeb
• Warburg
• Lehman bros
• Goldman Sachs
• Rockefeller
• JP Morgan

This private banking cartel is The Fed & is never audited & never pays taxes.

They print & design Americas Money, which displays their symbols.

They also collect Americans tax Payer money through the IRS, then they loan it back again with Interest to pay for roads, bridges etc

The United States is not a country. It is a Corporation, and the President is President of the Corporation.

The United States is (was) another crown colony. Crowned colonies are controlled by the empire of the three city states.

At the center of each city state are towering obelisks. Ours is known as the National Monument.

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