'9/11: The BIGGEST LIE (Updated May 27 2013) HQ by James Easton'

1 year ago

Published on May 27, 2013

"9/11: (I) The BIGGEST LIE (I) High Quality, FINAL VERSION (Phase 5 of 5)
Running Time: 2hr 28min
Created by James Easton
Released: May 12, 2013


TOWER 1 = North Tower
TOWER 2 = South Tower

Time Code: 0:00
Intro Scene, Warnings

Time Code 2:58
Interview with George Bush on Boston Marathon

Time Code 3:54
Intro sequence: Slide show and Inside the Towers

Time Code 8:45
Building the World Trade Center - Original footage

Time Code 17:20
Renactment of plane hitting tower 1

Time Code 17:52
Main Sequence, Plane Attacks on Towers 1 and 2, footage from inside Trade Center Tower 1

Time Code 24:46
NIST Footage of people exiting the towers

Time Code 26:26
Way too close to towers, Tower 1 collapses, Pyroclastic flowe

Time Code 29:17
Susan Lindauer Speaks out

Time Code 30:47
Excerpt from False Flag Conspiracy Finally Solved: Flight paths and Stuart Air Force Base

Time Code 31:25
Excerpt from Loose Change 2nd Edition: Eyewitness saw flashes, the tape recording of bombs in basements & plane hitting Tower 1, Interview with Willie Rodriguez who was in the North Tower basement when the explosions went off.

Time Code 33:37

Time Code 36:26
Excerpt from False Flag Conspiracy Finally Solved: the FLIGHT TERMINATION SYSTEM

Time Code 41:08
The Switch at Steward Airforce Base - "It's a Military Plane!"

Time Code 42:46
Pyroclastic Flow (1) Defined

Time Code 43:00
Series of hits on tower two
Analysis by James Easton

Time Code 51:19
False Witness

Time Code 52:42
Pyroclastic Flowe Explained (2)
Ignition of top of tower 2

Time Code 56:01
Tower 2 Demolition Sequence

Time Code 57:50
Slow Motion Sequence of destruction of Tower 2

Time Code 59:36
Explosions as Tower 2 comes down
Explosions taken out of TV Broadcasts
Tower 2 "Flashes" prior and during demolition

Time Code 1:01:30
Eyewitness testimony about explosions in the basement, and explosions before the tower 2 came down.
Tower 2 coming down (Countdown to 10)
Analysis of Tower 2 destruction
White Smoke is a Thermite Reaction producing Aluminum Oxide

Time Code 1:05:38
James' First Rant

Time Code 1:33:13
Tower 2 Aftermath

Time Code 1:34:34
Tower 1 Demolition
Slow Motion Footage of Tower 1 Falling with Analysis
Camera Shake - Tower 1 falls 5 clips
Sunlit Side - Independent Blast
TV Antenna Sinks

Time Code 1:40:26
3 Witnesses describe the towers' explosions when they start coming down

Time Code 1:41:15

Time Code 1:44:10
Hitler and the Reichstag & Pearl Harbour
REASONS for perpetrating 9/11 by the Bush Administration and the Powers that be.
Comparrison between George Bush and Hitler

Time Code 1:48:10
Seismic Activity

Time Code 1:52:40
Visual Evidence of Plane hitting tower 1
Visual Evidence of Plane hitting tower 2
Explanation as to why there were no hijackers, and that the planes were required to hit the towers by the powers that be

Time Code 1:54:21
Firefighters and Police know the truth

Time Code 1:54:36
Aftermath Sequence

Time Code 1:56:49
A Greigious Grievance against FEMA saying the Dust was OK to breath
Republicans are SHOWSTOPPERS
First Responders got sick - Compensation given 8 years later

Time Code 1:59:29

Time Code 2:00:18
Demo of tower 2 being destroyed (Animation)
Wide array of melted twisted metal

Time Code 2:01:40
Naudet Footage: The FireFighters of Ladder 1 talking about the towers destruction

Time Code 2:03:32
WHITE SMOKE - A study of the hit on tower 2 by James Easton

Time Code 2:08:22
Recorded Explosions in Tower 2
What you have to wrap your head around is...
Guilty Parties Include...
Non Truther's have no leg to stand on

Time Code 2:12:21
Closing Sequence

Time Code 2:17:30

Time Code 2:18:35
Wikipedia - False Information


BY James Easton - WAKE UP PRODUCTIONS - 2013"

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