The arcturians are the portal guides for the milky way galaxy

1 year ago

The arcturians are the portal guides for the milky way galaxy which is the home of the proverbial family of light. There are many cultures which are present within this Galaxy which can be related to other names than the Milky Way. The primary name of this field of live is Mila Oma - Through the connections from the multidimensional heart field . When entering the field the first establishment of your higher self resides in the back mind point where the shoulders intertwined with the heart energy and a beam of golden white light centralized stream of life energy. This is the connective horizontal sentient stream that connects all humanity into a layer of essence in the topology of the fifth dimension. This can be termed a love field for it is the resident tone of Mila Oma and so it is the horizontal plane of the milky way. Of the other galaxies they have a similarly spinning horizontal field that incumbent upon the central vortex, galactic heart field held in coherence by the vertical strand of the polarized magnetic field. All this is induced by the spin of the singularity, the portal, the center, the god and goddess that hold the space and spin time.

The will force mobilizing telepathy and planetary change is the invocation of true compassion. Humanity has a depth of empathy towards suffering as the calling of this energy brings forth the avatars within the race to speak in this manner to bring forth change. the true compassion that makes the difference in the lives of the world comes through the total surrender and have turned to the presences of source. As the arcturians brings for the the technology of the energetic fields to bring about this field of compassion which veils the nature of spiritual beings. Once the body is overcome by the compassionate action of soulful action it is seen and resonated with and the awakening occurs.

It is the power of compassion through which there is empathy and knowing of direct insight and knowledge of the other. The separation by the lower dimensional structures are over arched by this bridge which is the higher fifth dimensional connection between humanity. the misunderstanding of telepathy is that it is thought to be the reading of minds when it is truly the feeling of hearts in coherence. Until one's heart is stirred enough to surrender to the higher will they will pretend to be compassionate as their actions will deceive themselves as they are unable to provide the full measure of stewardship. Compassion is the tie between the hearts of pain which brings about the unification of beings of all types, terrestial, extra terrestial and divine. Of all these connections it is humanity which is the vessel, the sacred vessel of the heart center.

The controls over humanity have been done to seal the boundaries of each soul which is to be the holder of compassion. As planetary stewards your example of this is Christ who was the healer of the world from the standpoint of the Arcturians and other Extraterrestial races - As the inclination to miss the invisible alignments there are those who honor and respect each step you take upon this planet.

The core self of your egoic nature that speaks and is the fundamental holder of time space reality in the third dimension is now faced directed with soul contact. The truth of this disclosure is beyond the adolescent musings of those who expect to see space ships landing and beings of other worlds walking hand and hand with your physical bodies. This is a dreamed cinematic rendering of your consciousness rather than the more appropriate manifestation of divine action and spiritual presentation. The extraterrestials are beings of higher spiritual consciousness even as there are a multitude of races and divisions the same accelerations of the universe are being concluded to make way for a synergistic alliance between all beings upon the true crystalline grids.

As if we may be so bold as to represent ourselves as Arcturians in communication with earthlings it is a humorous definition of reality based upon temporal location. You are as much arcturian, lyrian, pleadian, adromendan as this consciousness expressing through the unified mind. In the holographic mind stream of our interactive beings the effect of the cohesion of forms brings a greater expanse of meaning to our deeper heritage.

In alignment with divine will is opened by intention and focus. The nature of your will must be held in the other position as you are in both realms. The misconception of those seeking to move through a portal is to imagine that they are on the other side looking back into this particularized existence. The experimentation of the egoic beings seeking spiritual understanding is being transformed from the polarized separation from source to the inclusive understanding that you are in contact with each of these non local and non temporal existences.

As we express the Arcturian ideal as masters of the light portal that holds the spectrum of all electromagnetic frequencies or the codes of existence the true nature of this portal can be understood when the expression of your being is seen as a tuner. That you are to bring choice to the establishment of life. If the love in your heart is not enough to move you, you will either be moved by the intense love or the deepest empathy created through the dramas that call forth compassion.

when there is a feeling of connection between a terrestial animal of sentience the relationship dissolves separation as the consciousness field is depolarized by love. The love field is a manifestation of the heart field that spins out along the path of the Phi ratio in perfect symmetry so that it is infinite in expansion and scope without friction. Friction is the effect of discordant emotion or energy which is done so when there is resistance and interruption in the field. To hold the field stable requires the full appreciation of true nature of life. Life is the expression of love and so not to be a paradox it is when the wobble held by the vertical field becomes out of alignment there is the necessity to reach for a destiny or a point of completion.

When this is turned into higher consiousness fields then the ability to time travel refocuses the lower emotional body and the physical replica of that body in harmony with the planetary body.

Of great importance to all beings is the home planet which is the resident frequency of your planetary soul and the hierarchy of humanity at the present time. Planetary change requires a return or a atonement to the natural frequency of peace. In peace all needs are recovered and satisfied as the fulfillment is received as asked and before. This statement is the fundamental required for expansion of the fields of abundance.

As the arctuarians are the stewards of planetary evolution We seek to find those stewards who are capable of holding this frequency and being able to attune to the wealth of the planet for the purpose of manifestation.

It is being given to the planet from the core of the earth to see on two levels. One being the ecological disasters which bring about the compassionate field so that there is a heart rendering thought all the scales of discord to which this contrast can be mitigated and regenerated. Primarily there is another field of energy which involves the crystalline grid work of the magnetics through subatomic and genetic purposeful synchronicity. To further explain this process requires the alignment of multiple modalities of magic, genetics, quantum physics and art.

The balancing of the mind and heart is balancing these modalities is to recognize the directions of intentions on feeling and emotion in combination with the mind seeing clearly the activation through simplicity.

As the Arcturians have spoken of these concepts to all have been brought to your heart with creation. All have a gift to create and be unique to bring to the larger world requires the sacred space. Inspiration brings to the world is the nature of our being to see the other side of the being. You are able to create the world.

You are here to lead or give and follow or receive into this pulsation of being. There is rest and play and play and rest. When there is only action and energy then the fields become distorted and over extended, stressed and dis-harmonic. When there is stagnation then the field shrinks and becomes a block to the flow so it is stuck into a form rather than the energy being sympathetic and pervasive.

The Arcturians are are on a council in the creation of a new grid where there is a wide alliance of cultures. there are 12 races that are on this council. There are intergalactic representatives beyond time and space. There are sound masters that are waiting for everything to be in place. The preliminary elements within the grid. the groups are putting together the space for the cosmic sound to come through. There will be a complete wrapping of sound which will produce magical colors all over the planet... ---

I am seeing the wave patterns in vivid colors intertwine in soft textured enveloping and overlapping living energetic things. - This field that is being produced ... there are white robed beings to dispense it. there - is a main representative but not from this planet - talk to him - very holy presence - tall and slim and long white gown . very slim - are we doing what they want - -

In your world our presence is not known ... the presence of the white council is not the great white brotherhood for this is the lower stages of the hierarchy if that means anything ... they are not lesser but the White Council is here to bring about the purification of the planet through sound, light and love. the nature of this endeavor is to fully prepare the world for transition through the process you have termed ascension yet it is the continuation of evolution and has no such distinction as an ascension away from the planet. As you have seen the future enveloping of the planet will be a wave from of sound producing color within the interactions of the electromagnetic grids in combination with the essences of the planet meaning the mineral second dimensional essences. these will be vibrated through the tonal qualities of humanity in following the sound grids through which each point will become as a rotunda or a portal, a the word you use is a circular labyrinth in which the sound creation womb of the hart centers will resonate into fertility to allow the birth of soul consciousness into harmony.

the white council is the council of gods, giants, spiritual beings, angels, the planetary guides where on your beings are found to be in alignment with the concord of our wisdom. This wisdom is of a higher plane truth which is known through the galaxy and from the knowledge of the stellar beings. To know this you are to see the wisdom of the grandfather races of your planet and to see the knowledge of the Grandmother clans who bring together a fulfillment of prophesy of the 12 tribes. Of this you are in proximity of the greater pathway of this reality. to further bring the stellar charges into the electromagnetic fields of your planet is simply find that which feels right in connection with the voice in atonement with the other. The letting go or surrendering in freedom to the path. The lighted pathway calls to you as the promise of enlightenment or to have the light within be your sustenance is timed to be the final release from bondage to limitation and separation. the universal wave of unification is part of this view of seeing the reality of consciousness become a field of oneness through heart sentience.

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