August 5, 2023

1 year ago

Fundamentally, thoughts are dislocated or non-local from bodies acting within the cloud of quantum energetic plasma. The probability fields establish the boundaries of dimensional expansion from which creation evolves to extend creation past probability into infinite impossibility. The realm of impossibility is the novelty of transcendence and is within the mind or the Nousphere. The manifestation of thought originates fundamentally in the dreaming of the collective consciousness. Archetypes, images and symbolic forms in the pervasive non localized mind stuff becomes a backdrop or the screen for which individual consciousness plays out.

To understand the differences between the undifferentiated mind and the egoic mental structures there is the necessity for the heart singularity to activate and begin its pulsations of spin and creative manifestation. Once the heart singularity is activated then life takes on the character of spin modulation which is frequency production in temporal spatial energetic fields. As these fields are impressed by the energy of the heart field the thoughts coalesce into frameworks to build system modulation according to harmonic interplay.

In connecting back into a more personal rendition of this conversation between higher selves the operations of your mind do not take form until the heart singularity has sufficient cohesion. This cohesion is connected through the magnetic and geometric underpinnings of sentient being.

In highly energetically charged fields where the amount of novelty becomes a massive quotient the overall acceleration of being moves through layers or vessels with increasing rapidity. For thoughts who are symbolically disposed the resultant force of being appears to bring the individual into a face to face contact with soul purpose. This is an unusual occurrence in most time lines yet in the higher charged completion choice points the energy of change becomes interactive and fertile.

The heart field is a subtle no space, no time zone in perfect centralized placement which paradoxically indicates spatial relationship. Although the language is inadequate the positioning of the heart field is of prime imperative. The focus of the heart field is the necessary requirement of consciousness to surrender in order to allow the awakening of inner light which will rise as the soul awakens. The soul construct is the integration of the lives and purposes of the spirit thought which meaningful dialogue cane be relayed between the inner world and the outer or to be more exact between the Divine Mind and the Divine Heart.

Through each succeeding epoch the evolutionary construct has been the focus of civilizing cultures to establish reference points between the reality of present being and future expectation. The recurrence and regressive tendencies to become complacent in the fields of matter are generally the domain of beings that are fundamentally fearful and reticent of transformation. The universe though is an unrelenting compassionate teacher that allows for variance of the particular but demands the adherence to the purpose of the general and for the benefit of the continuity of reality.


Once the heart center finds an activation you are brought into methods of continuance. The action is much like holding steady a bubble in the air as it is fragile in its connection in existence. The heart field itself is the super massive reality of all being contained in the infinite field yet when activated as a singularity has no conception of holding its center in this third dimensional reality.
From the White Council the messages now are coming forth to speak of integration of collective consciousness and begin the process of clearing the past from the

The truth is spoken in many voices and new visions are seen with one heart and destined soul. The path of the awakened ones is the path of your light and power. The Shining Ones are those who walk the way of the greater power of the higher light. Once you are found in this pathway you are a Shining light and a Shining One. The Teachers of Light assemble in honor of the Shining Ones for they are the hope of creation to be the stars of the highest singularity, to pass through the shadows of manifestation into the creation of eternity.

The path of the higher light is attended by those who own a seat upon the White Violet Council of Arcturus. Through the energetic alliance with Ursa Major the collective will force of the Galaxy is guided. Arcturian interests in earth are fundamental to this segment intention on a galactic level. The true point of consciousness that is evolving is the consciousness of the Sun. The magnetic electric interchange cycle is misunderstood by all science of earth as the expression of this element of gender polarity through the magnetic and electric replication. To explain further the model of the process of modulation and harmonic theory can be adjusted to see the layer topology of inference and induction to produce a genuine fascia release upon the nodes of highest interest. This being the formula for creation that the flow of currency as it moves from the poles of least interest to the highest interest point to the magnetic and electric interactions.

From this exposure to an alteration of theoretical hypothesis to manifested fact is the series of inhibitions to the factors which consummate knowledge of this arena. Once the focus of conscious awakens to the non-locality of all energetic processes then the ideal of temporal spatial modulation will become less accepted as the primary model of energetic dispersion and consolidation. The previous statements would assume that there is a limitation to the amount of time and or space that can be either occupied or transformed. The a priori becomes the realm of scarcity and limitation rather than the theorem of the expanding eternal universe the conclusive doctrine developed from the temporal spatial individualized pattern of existence leads the the entropy and atrophy of all life into chaos which is unalterable and into disappearance without consequence of other criteria to establish existence.

The necessity to turn from the temporal spatial limitation into the infinite probability of experience through the adjustment of prime perspective to one of expansion into infinite eternal reaches of expression. This then is the deeply logical awakening to the non localized philosophical imprint upon which all becomes the holographic regeneration into myriadic creation.

In the same manner that the prime perspective from the current thought scape or mind scape reveals that there is a dis-conjunction or an in-conjunct in relationship to the appreciation of intelligence. The a priori judgement is that there is ignorance and in ignorance there are a plethora of mistakes which are made in consequence of this fallacy. The reality of a culture developing existence on the basis of coming from utter ignorance to intelligence predicts the stupefaction of its culture by the ingrained imprint upon the society it tries to educate.

This underlying premise of ignorance no matter how noble and fact based comes from the perspective of expected superiority and so is prejudiced by the evidence being tampered with by the investigators. The presumption is that this point in time and space is better than a previous time and space leads to the conundrum of value differential which attends the case for the non-existence of anything which is impermanent, separated and based upon outside criteria for essence. To be of value in the world as a primary event of being there is needs a structure which allows for the prime energetic to be impulsed and mirrored by the original template. Once this template is imprinted the replication of identity must be exact. the formula of imperfect creation would ultimately produce a scenario where the first creator is imperfect do to the in ability to recreate the intelligence which preceded the first creation.

The importance of this message is to indicate the symmetry of creation whereby all life holds the perfect heritage and inheritance of its essential essence.

Walk upon the time ladders to understand the dimensional transitions for humanity. It is here in the great imaginations where is written the next stages of transcendence. What the future holds is the movement into freedom of spirit. The necessary changes will begin to proceed with further clarity and wisdom. When one who is searching inds the fact they are near the goal and destination the world changes in measure to the exhiliration the next stpts hold. it is in finding home that all these things are brought into alignment with the heart singularity.

The forces of your world are born from the intelligence within your world.

Within your mind there exists the layers of vibratory patters that are rleases by the electromgentic intertwining of this multi temporal guide post.

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