Zevites by Christopher Everard

1 year ago

Where did the missing children go?
The Catholic church, what is their secret child molesting Zevite cult?
What is the Zevite, Freemason, Islamic, Judaism, Fabian, Rosicrucian, Government, Club Of Rome, Bohemian Grove, Police force and Vatican connection?
#Adrenochrome #Worldundercover #Pedovore's #Bohemiangrove #theninthcircle #ordotempliorientis #pedogate #Zevite #Elsagate
Why do these secret cults have so many names?
Is Australia involved in these human sacrifice cults?
Do they really drink children's blood?
Why are so many people joining these occult ritual groups?
Its not difficult to read books and watch documentaries on subjects you want to learn about. So how about doing some legitimate investigative research before making any comments.
The Zevite religious extremest...
Secrets and more Jesuit secrets....
Important information in this video: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153337081828932&id=701888931
I.Q. BUILDERS: Zevite Satanist Jews! by Chris Everard (summary)
Chris offers a background on how Turkey became oriented toward the Satanic side of Judaism also known as Zevitism which is also practiced by Terroristic-oriented Muslims (Wahabites, Kharijites, Jamaatis) whom the Catholics forced to convert to Catholicism as Jesuits in Poland under Baron Jacob Frank and in Spain under Ignatius of Loyola. You may notice that some images of the alleged Catholic Templar Knights show them wearing Arabic-style clothing which hints to their association with terroristic Muslims. [see also: Crypto-Judaism] Chris also points out that Hitler's main target was not the Jews but rather the Zevite Satanists who had infiltrated the legal system of Germany!
NOTICE: In order to raise your own IQ be sure to look at the REFERENCES section below to familiarize yourself with essential words and profound concepts.
DISCLAIMER: We have edited this video to remove all of the stuttering, misspoken statements, ummms, uhhhhs, you-knows, and long pauses for optimal clarity and coherence of expression and understanding.
They were first known as the Zevites. Then they became the Zevite-Frankists. Many call them the Frankist-Sabbateans. Their metaphysics teach that the god of the bible is actually an evil devil, and that the serpent of the Garden of Eden is a good god who will save mankind. They have infiltrated freemasonry, the Vatican, Islam, Judaism and all forms and departments of government. The Zevite-Frankists are the kings of chaos. They create chaotic situations and dichotomies wherever their members exist. They are also the kings of concealment, for their creed exists to this day, and has gone under the RADAR of even the most diligent researcher into the occult – they secretly kill and sacrifice. Their ‘lord’ is the great evil godhead, the prince of darkness, lucifer, leviathan, the evil snake Apep – they dedicate themselves to all things which contradict decency, tempered ‘middle way’ views, and hate reason of the common man.
The serpent is considered the liberator to the Zevite-Frankists. Satan is the deliverer of freedom – freedom to be evil. Freedom to act as one will’s desires – even to sacrifice children and be hedonistic to the extreme. A watered down version of this evil agenda can be seen in the Wiccan Reede and the ‘Do As Thou Wilt’ mantra of the Ordo Templi Orientis. By the late 17th century, this undercover evil agenda had infected half of jewry in Europe. It had also infected freemasonry and the catholic church. government departments. In Turkey, they constitute the upper echelons of power. Yes, they are also biased towards Israel and the founding of Zion, and many are from the Hebrew community – but simultaneously, vast numbers of these evil doers pose in public as pious catholics, bishops and modest muslims.
The Most Evil Cult in the world has been exposed in Hampstead, London and new research suggests they are a splinter offshoot of the Zevite Satanists which are inspired by Baron Jacob Frank. Frank’s followers included members of the royal family and multi-millionaires who drank baby blood and performed cannibalism. Listen to a riveting show of fresh new research and evidence which blows the lid on the Westminster pedophile ring and the Hampstead case.
"Papa Kills Babies," The Hampstead SRA Scandal. Last summer, two children 8 and 9 told their Russian mother they and other children had been abused by their father and teachers at their school. They alleged their British dad was the leader of a paedophille cult and had trained them to eat babies. The mum went to the police and the children were taken into care. The case is now being heard in the High Court but meanwhile the story has broken on the internet with millions across the world having viewed the videos of the children describing their ordeal. The mother and her Mckenzie Friend have been blamed and are wanted for arrest but have fled the country. The alleged abuser dad still sees the children weekly. The cover-up at the Royal Courts of No Justice continues until 12 March, 2015.
BOOK: 1666 Redemption Through Sin
Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance
by Robert Sepehr
* https://createspace.com/5495472
* https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel
* https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabbatai_Zevi
* https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Frank
* https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Talmud
* https://wikipedia.org/.../The_Talmud:_The_Steinsaltz_Edition
* https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashkenazi_Jews
* https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypto-Judaism
* https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionist_political_violence
* https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_extremism
* https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Dönmeh
* https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Society_of_Jesus Jesuits
* https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignatius_of_Loyola
* https://wikipedia.org/.../List_of_satanic_ritual_abuse...
* https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordo_Templi_Orientis O.T.O.
* https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecclesia_Gnostica_Catholica E.G.C. aka Gnostic Catholic Church
* Hampstead Satanic Abuse Court Case: https://youtu.be/yIg3XkTtQO0
* Update on the Hampstead SRA Case: https://youtu.be/0ZeUiR09qDE
* The Cult That Hijacked the World! https://facebook.com/piphd/videos/10151278945078073
"The whole thing (Talmudic writings) is a compendium of insanity. Freudian Psychology is actually directed at the Talmudic mentality and NOT the Gentile mentality because most of Freud's patients were coming out of this insane asylum and were victims of it."
Historical Reference:
* Part 1 https://facebook.com/piphd/videos/464515763072
* Part 2 https://facebook.com/piphd/videos/10152483524243073
* Sabbati Zevi, The Khazar Jewish Messiah & Occult Agenda of Zion
aka 1666 Redemption Through Sin
* Extended Version: https://youtu.be/vWMxHBuuP6U
The Protocols of Zion
* https://facebook.com/piphd/videos/10152804889538073
* http://HumanLeather.co.uk
* http://mckenzie-friends.co.uk/.../dear-police-please.../
* ChristopherEverard.com
* http://EnigmaTV.com
* http://KevBakerShow.com
KEYWORDS: Zevites, Christopher Everard, Zevite Movement, Sabbati Zevi, Jacob Frank, Jakub Lejbowicz, Association of McKenzie Friends, WhistleblowerKids, Blood Libel, Talmud, Ashkenazic Jews, Ashkenazim, Crypto-Judaism, Crypto Jews, Dönmeh, Hampstead Satanic Cult, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Hampstead Christ Church, Hampstead SRA Scandal, Sabbatai Ẓevi, Shabbetai Ẓevi, Shabbeṯāy Ṣeḇī, Sabbatai Sevi, Sabetay Sevi, Human Leather, OTO, Ordo Templi Orientis
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