This is the World all Our Children are Gonna Live in! [05.08.2023]

1 year ago

Note: Are you Fuckng 'offended' Ulf?

Who the Fuck should be 'offended' here...

Me who is Fucking sharing ALL information to the people in puplic?

Me who has Fucking been been sentenced 5 times as a criminal by the rotten corrupt System that the Politicians including YOU keep their hand over and protect?

We are in a Fucking WAR... These Sick Psychopaths are Fucking killing people...

Why don't you tell the People what is actually going on?

That 'viruses' have never been 'scientifically' isolated and therefore never scientifically documented to exist?

Why are you a member of a party that supports the sick satanic LGBTQIA+ Pedophilia Agenda?

Do you also support the UN & WEF & WHO sick Satanic Pedophile Agenda 2030?

Why don't you go public with the fact that the water is poisoned with Flour, Pesticides and other toxins?

And tell the People that the UN and WEF Agenda 2030 'Climate Change' also is an outright lie?

Don't you think that as a public figure like you, you have a special obligation to tell the People what is going on?

And how many Fucking years are you Fucking gonna 'talk' about it?

Exactly as we also wrote and said in 2017... talk, talk, talk...

Are You really so brainwashed to believe that you can persuade and convince these LGBTQIA+ Pedophile drug consuming Sexually Derailed Psychopaths into anything?

So who are you really working for with the 'actions' you do in public, the People or the 'System'?

And what exactly did the Danish True Freedom Fighters do to the Traitors after the Second World War?

I could go on Ulf...

As long as you are silent about what is going on, you are also a traitor in my world...

And who is Ulf Harbo?

My 'boss' for the last about 4 years since 2019, Politician i.e. a public figure...

4 Jan 2019

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell
“Whenever you speak the Truth, someone will be offended.” - Laurence Overmire
“Don't worry about offending people. Any time you write or say something thought provoking, some idiots will complain, because they hate it when you make them think.”
“People get addicted to feeling offended all the time because it gives them a high; being self-righteous and morally superior feels good.” - Mark Manson
"Never worry about who will be offended if you speak the Truth. Worry about who will be misled, deceived, and destroyed if you don't!"
If you are Silent about your Beliefs because you are Worried someone will be 'Offended'..

Then your Beliefs are not so important to You, but rather what people think about you is...

When you stand up for what's right and True, You will receive both Hate and Love..

But everyone will Fucking know what you are Fighting for...
Kim Osbøl Copenhagen Denmark MANIFESTO! June 28, 2022.

'A Morning Thought' inspired by MrTruthBomb & Jefferson Airplane's 'White Rabbit' [14.09.2021]
Clip 1.
Mother and Son from Detroit are becoming 'Father' and 'Daughter'!

Just Sanja 12
Clip 2.
Agenda 2030 Fake 'Climate Change' in Plain Sight! All by design / C C

Just Sanja 12
Clip 3.
A Satanic Pedophiile Feemason Charity in Plain Sight!

Just Sanja 12
Clip 4.
Brainwashed Satanic LGBTQIA+ Psycopath Girl with cut of Breast 'Guide' other Children!

Kids on tiktok can get guidance from LGBTQ activists on finding surgeons to give them a double mastectomy
Clip 5.
TV... Tell-A-Vidion... It's called 'Program' for a reason.

It is nothing more than an electronic mind altering program that has been designed to psychologically change the ways you view reality.
Clip 6.
Inner/Hollow Earth in combination with Taurus field. Welcome to the other side.
Clip 7.
The Planned Mass Murder at 9/11 Exposed!
Clip 8.
Penis laws in public…
This is great for the children… as long as you’re not erect and it’s not for a sexual gratification.
Clip 9. (Picture)

'Sound of Freedom' Funder Fabian Marta Arrested For Child Kidnapping!

Wouldn't that be amazing if Tim Ballard took out the criminal funders after the film just as a cherry on top?
Clip 10.
The REAL TRUTH about Child Trafficking.

The US Government works with the Mexican Mules
Clip 11.
Sick Satanic Pedophile Dutch TV show
donates sex toys to children on TV.
Clip 12.

BREAKING: Former FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum explains that the C0r0na PCR "test" is implanting a microchip.

So the Nasopharyngeal C0<id19 PCR "tests" were never tests at all. They are implanting chips, inserting Nanobots called Nanites with a bio?

Weapons payload for the brain, while at the same time harvesting DNA.

The PCR swab is inserted straight to the Nasopharynx behind the nose and forehead where your eyes are.

It's at the blood brain barrier and next to your pineal gland.

I believe they are knocking out people's senses with these Bio?

Weapons and kiIIing human intuition and your ability to cognitively see what they are doing to us.

They're knocking out our senses and targeting the brain with Nanites that carry a payload as Celeste spoke about in previous videos.

This is War. Serious Warfare.
Clip 13.
What is Black Rock's 'connection' to the Cube of Saturn?

Cube is the representation of Saturn = Saturn Lord of the underworld
Clip 14
Do you sleep with your telephone?

This is what happens when you use your phone close to your head.
Clip 15.
Everything is a Fuckung Lie!
This video may interest you.

Many speculate that the chronology may have been changed by about 1000 years. ..

The design at the end of the video appears to have the year "896" on it.

However, if you look closely, there is a small mark in front of it in the form of the number "1", as if it was engraved by someone else.

Moreover, the "1" is clearly not on the same level as the rest of the digits, as if it was quickly embossed much later.

The distance between the symbols is also not consistent.
Clip 16.
Another Sick Satanic LGBTQIA+ Pedophile on Plain Sight!

Nonbinary LGBTQ activist demands that we respect her and other nonbinary people by stopping to use gendered honorifics-
Clip 17.
Meanwhile in New York...

Violent mobs wrecking havoc in Union Square Park in NYC rn.
Clip 18.
Ashley Biden confirming her Father Joe Biden is a Pedophile.

Ashley Biden confirming the diary is hers.

The diary where she confirms her father, Joe Biden, is a paedophile who liked to ‘shower with her’ as a young child.
Clip 19.
Morality doesn't exist without the creator.
Music used:
Jefferson Airplane White Rabbit (1967)
Dark Dune inspired ambient music blade runner vibe

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