Processing Meat Birds

1 year ago

53 out of 55 cornish cross made it to butcher day. 1 died of unknown causes the other I smashed moving the tractor (woops) but it happens! Super happy with their grow out.

They were brooded indoors by @tnmtnfarm then I raised them 4 weeks on pasture. It was really nice only having to deal with them for 1 month and save my time from brooding.

They were moved twice a day, fed organic soy free feed fermented with IMO4, LABS, FPJ, OHN, Sea water and various other mineral supplements. All of these lessons and footage are going into a natural chicken master class I'm working on creating for you guys. Tomorrow is cut ups day.

#pasturedpoultry #homesteadinglife #regenerativefarming #naturesalwaysright

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