DPT Documentary Aired by NBC 1982 "Vaccine Roulette"

1 year ago

Video by Yummy Mummy Emporium and Apothecary This vaccine was altered into DTaP in the 90s and then in 2005 they created the TDaP. Still as dangerous, still as useless, leading to high rates of autism and other chronic health issues. Dr. Andrew Moulden proved that EVERY vaccine causes harm, a micro-stroke in the circle of Willis in the brain. https://vaccineimpact.com/2014/dr-and... "They" don't care about you or your health, this is a racket, a con, and the cult of MDs are so deeply programmed they create lies like SIDS and Shaken Baby Syndrome to gaslight parents and pass the guilt onto them. No vaccine will EVER protect you from ANYTHING, EVER, and never has. It is a scam from start to finish. It suppresses the natural expression of toxic material from the body leading to long term chronic diseases like seizure disorders, arthritis, and cancer to name a few. STUDY: "Adjuvants are injected into newborn babies, infants and toddlers in virtually every one of the 27 shots they receive by the age of two, by schedule starting within hours of birth. In the Immunopathological and Hyperalgesic Features study, it says, "Adjuvant arthritis can be induced in the rat by the injection of various bacterial cell walls or their components.." The DTaP vaccine,

given 3 times in the first six months of life, contains both adjuvant and acellular pertussis bacteria. The existence of these and similar studies, of the established practice of injection of various adjuvants to induce rheumatoid arthritis in several species of lab animals, and the CDC's recommended vaccine schedule, simply cannot be reconciled." Fed Proc. 1982 Jul;41(9):2577-82. Adjuvant arthritis: immunopathological and hyperalgesic features. Rosenthale ME, Capetola RJ. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6... "Physicians are indoctrinated to disbelieve claims of harm and are not trained to... recognize nor required to report any adverse reactions. From 90-99% of adverse reactions reported to doctors are never reported to the government's lax Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System." — Bernard Rimland, PhD, Director, Autism Research Institute A study (https://www.empr.com/home/news/does-t...) proved the DTaP causes eczema. Actually, those of us with eyes and medical training have known this for decades, but alas, many people still live under rocks... What can you do to mitigate the risks to your child if you see the red flag of eczema? Consider vaccines carefully. This study explained away a 9-fold increase in eczema in their vaccinated population. http:/

www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/artic... J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008 Mar;121(3):626-31. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2007.11.034. Epub 2008 Jan 18. Delay in diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccination is associated with a reduced risk of childhood asthma. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1... A parent, " Tears come to my eyes as I watch this. My child was injured in 1993 by this vaccine. To think that they KNEW in the 30's and never improved or withdrew this vaccine demonstrates a lack of interest in the victims. I am heart broken...." "My dad is a practicing pediatrician with over 20 years of experience and no one in our family is vaccinated. I have 3 brothers. Our immune systems are so strong we haven't had anyone with the flu or any major infectious diseases in decades. I hope this means something to somebody." "THANK YOU FOR UPLOADING! MY SON IS ADHD, LEARNING DISABLED, NOW 27 AND WE KNEW SOMETHING HAPPENED BUT NOT SURE WHICH VACCINE. HE GOT SICK WITH Whooping cough (pertussis) LOTS EVEN THOUGH HE WAS VAXXED." "I was damaged by the pertussis vaccine not once but twice because nobody wanted to admit it could be the vaccine the 1st time. I almost died both times. 106 fever and convulsions. My mom was only 17 and this was in 1980. I'm lucky I survived. I have large, deep scars where the vaccine was given. My daughter has never received the pertussis vaccine, however at age 2, just after receiving immunizations she had a grand mal seizure. They continued until she was 9yrs old, grand mal, tonic, partial complex, the whole 9yards.

It was chalked up to febrile seizures. Til age 9? I don't think so. Now she is 17 and having seizures again. We have zero family history of seizures. She's a drug-free, smoke-free, active healthy young adult otherwise. Many of her medical records have seemingly vanished since her seizures started and inquiries were made. Just makes me that much more suspicious..."

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