The Origins of the Hyrayarch

1 year ago

The Origins of the Hyrayarch

From the youth of the world, the fatherless and motherless underlings of society a dream of a new world is born. A sanctuary from the state schools, a place to learn and grow into greater wisdom. Using only first names the original creators are, Zonh, Lash, Shan, Siana, Zobrin, Vayla and Vensia. The many other members of the Hyrayarch Sanctuary gathered in the early days and brought forth the culture. They said our dream is of a new way which is bringing the old ways back into reality and to make the world better through cooperation with the wisdom of the ages. Their beliefs were no longer acceptable to the State Schools and so they formed the idea that they would be better away from the news machines of double talk and deception …. Now the story goes…

“We have it!” Zonh said in confidence and assurance. We have succeeded in the funding of our dreams. others that the necessary assistance was his. We have received a grant to begin the building. After years and years of work educating one by one members of the leet groups Zonh and Vayla were prepared to make the next stage development. “Tell us how much can we accomplish with this grant., Zonh said with a wry smile.. everything. The resources we are being given are truly unlimited.

It just so happened that the central group… known as the Hyrayarch had between them created a matrix activator for the tech companies of the main core complex. The infrastructures and Corporates all agreed it was an indispensable development. A true matrix activator allows central interpretation of all commands throughout corporates’ systems. The infrastructures, utilities, energies and basics all need the informational interpretative interfaces.

Zonh does not concern himself with the details of the programming that was necessary to make this all happen but knew that Arim, Lash, Siana and Atinr and their attentives of the group made a revolutionary breakthrough to allow this. Now that the accomplishment of the matrix has been completed the great work to design and develop the Hyrayarch will ensue.

Our land in the central square of Riusm will be the site of the Hyrayarch School. From there we have the position of power to bring in the energetic influences important to our work. I have been seeking council for sometime on this direction and now it is aware to me who will be the guidance behind the organization. I will head the administration of the structure upon completion. The creation of the structures will be organized by Shan. From there on we will collaborate with the point of completion within one full cycle.

In each time there is a precipitating event that begins the transition. The transition of this time to a major and significant world adjustment is the break away from the dominance of the Y corporate versus the Z Alliance. The difference is the corporate is a structure of control and mandate where as the alliance is the freedom of moving in projects towards larger goals. Y corporate is designated primitive as it seeks to protect its walls. The Z Alliance is open to assimilation and partnerships to improve the quality of the systems. There is nothing the nat that will be so fre and the othe aldkjfla hdkjdlsjk ldjldkjlkthlet slkdjlkjthe … this is the nature… dkjfdlj Listen landn I head the same tha tlkjdkjwlkerewkj dkjfdiosdjlkdjfsoijsd;kjcjlkj;lajpijfdskjk It is coming for you to be able to take hold of the stewardship and move it into a new realm…jlkjdlkjflskjlwkjerlkjlskdjldkjdlksjlkj It is for you to get beyond the limits of the time that youar eexisting in..djlkdjfl;ksjdf dkj dsjf dsj The time that has held back not only you but the world that you see in your mind.kdjlkdj;lkjdflkj the world that is reacting to the negative and bringing up a great wellspring of new energy and the birth of souls who can see and grow in a renewed strength to make the change.kjl;dkjldkjfldskjldkjfl;dkj the change that is necessary for us all to prosper and to move on in the evolution of Lanea..jdlkjflkjdlkjdskjdfkj The change is coming quickly as the day light is seen to be the first marker of time. Kjdldsjflkj We see the second marker as wehen the sun is directly overhead and the third when it is setting on the horizion.kkjl;dksjfl;kdsjlkjd Upon the movement thorugh the dark side faith must be your hope and held on to as it is the food of life for the next day.kjldkjfldskjfld;kj djf something in you lets you know that you are a steward of the fuortune. Of the fortune… you are the steward of this and let it be know that as you are rich within you will manifest rich with the world and make it a great experience for all these times…kjflkdjflkjdsldkjfsdlkjdslkjfsdlkjfdsjoidfukwjeflksdjkjI hear the worlds and I know the times I seek the journey and I know its time.

It is not uncommon to hear the voices as it has become more and more and evident for ever in our hearts theire are messengers who will come to be more and more real. WThe voices of the masters speak to us and I hear the voices and know that this is my heart speaking… You are here to speak again to make the love and love real… the fear is hiding a greater awareness .. we cannot go there for the cycle changes and the cycle changes into lightkjlfdkjflkdsjlfdkjflkj the light is the next phase for the world so all are given the next dispensation that allows us to really create in greater world and greater and wonderful complete finishes of what naure has entitiled us to become. The transition of our spirits into the more and more clarity of mind and the fullness of the future. We accept only truth and all eles is the evil of waste… there is a great way unfolding for the new students who will adventure to this sacred. They will heard the new truth and know that it is demanded of them to move beyond the corproates and walled infrastructures which hold back the gift of life.kljdlkjfdslkjfsjf;dskjf;kjfksj something in me want s this to come out now and I let it I wish it and allow it. I allow myself to be fully capable to release the goodness and to be in every way open to assure that the goodness is always fulfilled at every juncture. The allowance of goodness is the presentation of love and in the overseeing capacity love will always be generous of heart and clear of mind. There is nothing that cannot be accomplished under this scenario… the ending of the old ways will take time and we must let it die off in its own fashion and we are to protect those who are under our charge and to feel the compassion that is necessary to remove the jaded spirit of fear which has enterenched itself in the evil crevices of the timesless enemy of distrust …. For here is the centeral cause that has been labeled by those who have walked away from the light and sought the secrets in the dar. The dark holds no secrets that the light cannot see yet the imagery is one of featurelessness and the image is one of curiosity but the light sees all and knows all and knows that in the dark there is love behind the deceit of what it hides in its vacant consciousness.

Kjfdlkjf ljkjdfsdjfosdiukjdkljf lj so upon this time wher in the light is being revealed the dark will try to hide in certain shadows. It cannot keep from the light but will grow more in contrast to the light and be inside a hole or out of context in a mind that is filled with veils that do not allow it to be seen. The mind is opening up to the light and there is great glow on the horizon for we are in the first hour of the transition … it is very cold as the sun has not shown upon the land and the frsot of dark ages have crept upon the very soul of each one who is slow to awake from sleep… It is early and time to awaken for the time is at hand and the work is to be done to distrubtion the labour of the harvest. There is a great need for all of the world tohave the plenty of nature and to know her power as the command of the world of light. How is that the mother of nature be the command onf light so that you see this illustration it is because theire is nuturing and caring that comes from the heart of the mother. The food of life is gien in the light of day and so it is with the truth that is also to be revealed therie in… the father’s time … is to protect and hold safe the night and protect the powers of the night…. To shelter the home in greater protection and to prove the words that are inscribed on the heart of the warrior that I shall not fail my duty to protect and serve the needs of the family. There upon is the great division of labor… protectiona dn nuturance. They cannot be released form this duty as the contract is to bring love and love only into the cycle of life. There is no room for fear, lack and pverity.. we bring love and abundance. Love and abundance for the world and humanity is the goal. I speak for the greater good and I hear the followers ring in a voice of agreem3ent. We are here to bring forth abundance for the world and I accept my mission to make the world rich. I accept the protection to make certain that the world is truly rich and to be rich in spirit as well as the abundance of the physical… to be rich in diversity while congnizant of clairyt and morality. There is wonderful and clean energy for all to experience without the resorting to the defamation of character.s We agree that this is to be done. The members of our greater group are ready to make the stance to fully enjoy the prosperity and to bring forth the golden age as we see fit and to see ourselves aligned with divine purpose. This is the good that I see and so as I see it so it is… we have unlimited abundance and can release it easily and freely… I have clear mind and I remove the karma and pain from my shoulders as I release the funds into the world for and with the blessings of their benefactor. I follow this truth and live by it and I live by the words of those close to me with good intentions of heart. I do not diminish nor hurt anyone nor do I call for a standard thatn cannot be met. I fully appreciate the contributions of the others and I seek to make certain they are within their great purpose as well.

Thanks you thank you thank you thank you
It is with the greatest of gratitude that I accept these gifts and will pass along what is right and true and spend and create what is right and true… thank you thank you thank you thank you..

The demonstration of this reality of our Hyrayarch is determined by the thought form we have set in motion from times earlier and with intensity we have sought to bring this to fruition. Zonh said. “ I first sat within the square of the state schools looking at one of the remnants of the manuscripts from the age of Malea. It was here that I could sense the stirring of the need for the school that would be the matrix for the last age.

It is a gift to me that I am the Arhala and that in this capacity I act for the will of the members. It is my role and in this role I take it gladly so that I may be wise and humble in the execution of power. There are important times iin our life that have come to be partners to this world. I have seen the changes that are needed and know that the Black Alliance is running the corporations for their own desire. The XAXA is the evil that infests all the governmental structures with greed, decadence and hubris. We cannot considered them anything other than hindrances to the plan and the development of our network and association.

We are a school this day forward and we bring those that wish to learn into the wall and under the dome of the Hyrayarch…

The construction begins and upon the foundation that we build there will be a complete zodiac of true design and natural cornerstones to bring the powers of the earth within our point of origin. The central point in the city of Risums has been chosen for it corresponds to the central axis of Solam and Seryus. The design of the Sanctuary has been developed for us by the designers of the Silantan Temples. From our initial discoveries in Alpera and in Tquanji we have the knowledge of the ancients.

Zonh continued to speak to the founders and originals who begin the teaching. … as you know we have touched another reality and in this reality we have found teachers. Some have said that these are channels and that this psychic nterplay is not science yet we are completely endowed with this advanced knowledge which has led to the creation of our wealth and the advancement of our ideas. We are being rewarded for our efforts like no other group and we are grateful in this dispensationa dn the revelations of knowledge we are receiving.

The origins of the Hyrayarch go back further to my youngest days where I was contacted by one of the Ancients. I have know her as Chrisana. Chrisana brought simple messages to my heart and cleared the way for me to see inot the world of Silanta in the times before the existence of Alonia. This time of silanta held great promise but was corrupted by the forces of the XAXA. The Black Alliance of these beings who wanted power and dominance over others has continued for thousands of cylces until we are here where we see the end result of this action.

The world we know is now congested with a few strong corporate powers and are part of the the Ingersol. The one group who controls through the powers of the nexus with the impunity of a totalitarian regime. Yet the Corporacracy is not without its weakness and that is the same that has created it. It’s nature is imperialistic capitalism and total control. Its greed is what keeps it from destroying us. Through our good fortune the Hyrayarch has reached out and developed the matrix activator which provides the central connectivity between all mentalistic electroprogramable functions of the governmental networks. It is suberbly efficient and it has allowed the Hyrayarch to create our school and also be able to create and build the Sanctuary or as we call it for the sake of our business with the Corporacracy the Sefarator.

From this location we have engaged the main lines of communication for all of Alonia. Each transmission that moves between parties is brought here and allowed to set up a real time connection with the receiver and sender. In addition it brings to bear a great power for retrieval and for establishment of resonance channels.

All in all our business is efficient and growing within a dark corner so not to be so defined as subversive since our group is in cooperation with the Dictates and magistrates of the Nexus and his mandates.

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