Masters of the Matrix - Agnisala

1 year ago

Masters of the Matrix - Agnisala
It is time for the Initiations and you are chosen to come forth and speak these messages to those that are ready to walk into the dimensions of Spirit. The Teachers of Light have come and brought forth the instructions into your higher mind to align with the energies of the Central Sun and engage the pulsations of energy from timeless eternity. The Pillars of Light are elevating in musical radiance the light that defines spiritual ascension. There is an effervescent expanding resonance field of real energy uplifting creation. This is the breath of the universe, the deep feeling power of life itself harmonizing with the expanding giving forth of being and the holding of space in constant gratitude of what is.

All that was is no longer the solution to the world's endeavor. The planet has become a transcendent being of light in communion with the Hierarchy of Humanity and in alliance with the Masters of the Matrix. The Masters of the Matrix are those who have designed the systems of Evolution. They are the beings of the Seventh Dimensional strata that are in attunement with the sounding forth of the Divine plan that is the order of the Galactic Creators. Those who know of these levels are they ascended ones who you are in attunement with. The Masters of the Matrix come to show you the plan and formulas for the codes and the keys of the symbolic languages and rhythmic tones that are the language of light and fire.

Your body is a temple of pure light and it rests upon the clear waters of emotion floating in mysterious brilliance and translucent luminousness on the bed of plasma. Together you cocreate matter and this is your state of being where you are a creator. You are joined into the sacred manifestation of being in harmony with the resonance of the mind and heart as a being of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual form. The Higher Light shines with you into the temple of your mind and illuminates the sanctuary of your heart. Humanity is complete as there is only light now that is a beacon for all of the Earth and those with it to ascend in soul consciousness and deepen into the experience of timelessness and travel the eternity of spiritual awareness.

The life and mission and purpose of your being now is to take your place as the ascended masters of this race. It is for you and those who are your wise and devoted family to hold the door open for the ones to travel through the GoldRing into the Journey to the Light of the Central Sun.

As the Masters of Matrix, We have come to a place where the message is allowed to extend being into the fulfillment of the highest wishes within the realm of the Humanity and the Ascension of the Planet. There is the passageway that is lighted for your being to pass through the next veil, it is the GoldRing. You have chosen this day to pass through the veil of the physical and attend to know the future of your being. You can be a Teacher of Light. a Master of Creation and know this is the path of the Ascended Ones who are the Shining ones. You are now within the realms of the Initiations.

It is this first stage of knowing the Masters of the Matrix are to give you the codes, keys, symbols, tones, powers and alignments with the networks that operate this level of reality. At this level is a point where to be born to a new light of transmutation where the fire burns away the old and the emotions are no longer connected to the lower self below the astral veil that diffuses the higher light. The Teachers of Light have been patience with your walk and have guided you to the GoldRing so that you may be protected and your spirit may grow in radiance. The structure of ego has been diminished of lower emotions and selfish desire and you feel the energy of the rising heart.

The Masters of the Matrix are wise and disciplined. They are the law givers of the realities beyond the portal of this world. Here you face the mirror of time and destiny and across the threshold you must give way to the personal and become the purity of spirit in alignment with the fire of the soul. This is the point of initiation were as you make this step of faith WE are here to protect your spirit in connection with the faith you bring.

There is no delay in this transmutation for once you move into the portal of fire your life is changed and the old form is burned away and the enlightenment becomes you as you are to become a shining one. The Masters of the Matrix speak forth the Language of Light in the Silence of the ascending fire. The world you have come from is one of slow steady transformation to become this place now where the heart opens to the light from the Central Sun. The Heart holds you in steady alliance as the stream of being that you are connected to sings the joys of alignment with the Galaxy and the Creators who are now awakening to your call for Light and Love.

The Asking of your spirit to be brought into the Circle of Abundance is a symbolic gesture of the Magic of the Seventh Ray and the Ceremony of Initiation. It is here you are asked to leave behind all that has brought your awakening and walk into the Fires of Transmutation. There is peace and release in this time as all that you are is given away as you become a cocreator and feel the power of your own being.

All that you know is given to you through the opening of the heart which hold the central source and essence of your being within. Here upon the great being you know as the mother of all life that is yet the celestial daughter of the Grand Galactic Creators. She holds space and grounds your energy here in the home and given you the resources of your body and vibrations. The existence that you have become is given you from her body so that you may be a steward, protector and cocreator of the life that becomes sacred.

You are ascended into the fire initiation so your spiritual consciousness responds to the realm of Perisanna and designs expansion of the GoldRing. The center of the heart is where peace and clarity become purity and radiance. The world is now a much larger and more wonderful place as from compassion your grow and connect with all life and see past the weather changes of emotional desires, temporal distortions and mental static that was remembered to be a plague upon the planet.

In your Heart you hold the energy of compassion and love and you know its tone and signature. The heart center is the blue print, the sounding code for the transition of soulful heart energy to the speak with the voice of spiritual light. The teachers of light have been your guides, who have walked with you are part of your being as you become whole again. In this wholeness you have see through the lifetimes that they have been in alliance with your destiny that now is realized. The expansion of your being demanded the contrast of living within a sphere of change and probability, where the expectation became the creation and the attraction was inclusive to all thought and desire. Now the knowledge of your path that is further up the stream is formed in conjunction with your wholeness and not the separated self seeking unity.

The divine feminine part of your being is the holder and knower of true light. The true light of spirit shines strongly and is your gift to connect with the earth and know of her wish for the transformation of society, civilization, culture and the family. The loss of family has been your awareness as is the finding of them in ways that have given you rest and sanctuary. This is the time of realization where you are broken out of the old shell that has become painful and weak, without resilience to be that part of your being that provides nourishment.

All is given again as you are now seen in your place where the home becomes you and you are the one who knows that life is given with deep blessings. Your peace and beauty crosses the time lines and lets your connection with this great loving planetary being you know as home and mother to be fulfilled in happiness and enlightenment.

The alignment with the Central Sun you are grace and given the power of the divine masculine part of your being. It is this part that you are to enjoy the direct initiation with the Earth. The spiritual temple of your body shines forth in white radiance and purity of a bright jewel and the pillar of light. The acceptance of the mission to expand into the heavens and be placed upon the throne of creation is the role of your mind to achieve. It is here the Masters of the Matrix bring the book of the law to rest upon the altar and read the great story of creation. You are the Divine Rising Son.


The white Pyramid shined and its capstone beamed brighter and brighter as the jewel was illuminated and brilliantly shined forth the pure whuite light of the pillar of light.

The Mountain of Zeyon is now a mountain of fire as it alights the sky with the volcanic ash and power of Lanea herself. The Great Mountains across the world are all joining in primordial creation bringing from with her body the breath of fire and

The sound swells out the waters do not cause problem
fire and flame the Saon Nelan
the water threatens... Nzrael sees the light
blend the fire and water the waters are brought up and the rain falls and it is pure
the fire light and the dark waters the pearl is heald within the pearl of the eye.... the jewel is born from the ocean
the Stone is full of power and destruction the truth has been found... The AEDR
he was the vehicle to bring ... the test is not power but it is for wisdom
zyan awakens - the darkened son carried the stone of pain and tears to see the path of light
Destiny and eternity
beyond the world and with the world ... you have found your heritage.

This is the next stage of awakening to the golden light. Magenta and Emerald - The violet light.
Understanding the complimentary color of the emerald heart and the violet light in the creative projection.
12 dimensional levels in the universe... The entire universe - 12 main octaves. frequency signature. The energy that is coming in from the Sun is altering the rate of the spin... the speed is increasing in atomic structures. Chist is the Golden Light - God has broken himself into nine components. The council of nine
Christ has become nine different expressions... Each being from one to nine carries a different function and responsiblity. It exists in each dimensional structure. In the 11th 10th etc... All one ... just divided into components. occupy different frequencies at the same time.
IN the Dark - Lucifer - many names - the Great Dark Brotherhood - Council of 7
In the Light - Michael - The Great White Brotherhood - Council of 12
lucifer means illuminated one... the enlightened one... two different types of light. white light... entire spectrum -Michael - the White Light of Conditional Love -
White light of Knowledge and the White light of conditional love.
To be a christed being you must be outside of the energy -
EVIL - exists below the 5th dimension ... exists on both sides and is the miss use of both the white lights
michael 0 whtie light - conditional love - waveform ... O - ~~~~ ~ ~ faster to slowr - we ar ea fractal o fthe universe. - each and everyone has access to the christ - ave all the darkness and all the love. How we choose to express ourselves withthis energy. -
Where did we come from.
beyond the seventh you lose physical form. we come from another dimension. another planet another star system and incarnate into the the third diemsnion... we are achieving a universal embodiment. same energy running thoruhg all the atoms.
as long as you have personal identity you have ego. when you let go of your existence you then lose ego and you go back to source. big sacrifices to do that ... very few beings do this. the soul no longer existing. Take a drop of water and drop it into the middle of ocean... part of the vast ocean of energy. never exist again...
Astral level... lower bottom of the fourth - very close to the third dimension ... creation is big and vast.
Spirit Guides - any being that is beyond this reality... they alredy know you intimately - they work with energy and they can see you energy signature. - Each person has an entourage - complicated. not so straightforward and simple. Your entourage ... knows when you are ready to move forward. - its all monitored closely. When you are ready. all learning patience.
Omniverse - whats on the other side the fence. entering the christ level - you see the ominiverse - the universe - source and grand creation - no words to see it. - the energy that runs through all of this is the energy of what is... raw energy. just is. nameless, formless, - past and present- grand central universe.
grand plan of creation - going to the golden age - the christ has a hierarcial structure. using the wave form to become creators. go up through the ranks go outside Magenta and create our own universe and become a god in our own right.
Thoth is lucifer - has his own universe in same waveform program. we will graduate through all the dimesional levels of the christ and we will become a god.
White light of knowledge - how to build - infrastructure - came down to this levels with the angels and started manifesting life. first forms of life were like insects... mechanical beings without thought... very reactive. evolved over time. Some came consciously aware. They needed to make another form of life. The next expression was the serpent races. Time is irrelevant. The next was the bird tribes... the serpents hung around Draco. A galaxy is a being. Bird Tribes.. were in Lyra - they had differences of opinon... down the track they came along... star systems - Osirius - Entire Orion System - then the Pleiadies... and then also Sirius or Isis... these beings operate at a high level and could manifest into embodiment. -
IS IS - means she lives - feminine aspect of God - very important aspect to know - What the serpent races where about were to do genetic forms of life. control manipulation -veyr dominant ... the bird tribes came into and layed with gentics. The brids di dso for vanity , beauty and long evierty... not slavery .
genetic stream from orion ... holds the white light of lucifer. - the bird tribes wentto the pleiadies... the created the energy of the white ligh tof love. -
Third nation is a balanced energy - isis - christ and the mother goddess - colors of gold and silver... -
Sirius attracted high spiritual beings. comforting ... lion beings - birds went ther etoo and some serpents went there also . not interested in the energy of war. Sirisu favored with the birds ... serpents created physically... - they were stronger - the King of Sirisus King An - was told by that the being sin the higher planes that to surrender was the right in the future... so sirius follow sthe dictates of orion in some ways . the cream of the crop o fthe serpent races received some christ energy ... to win a war ou lose a battle. let go of the ego. to win the whole war. That is what they did and the lion beings - that is why the sphinx is wher eit is. the people at the top kown.
winged dragon of RA - leader of the forces of Orion. son of one of the queens of Orion. the dragon refused to attack a planet... we can do whatever we want with the world.
son of star wars. - draconian being still believes he has the ability to step on anyone. this being needs to grow and learn. -CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS - RA - went towards the hgierh spiritual union. resued to fight. ra is another time for the golden light for christ.- changin the way things wer egoing on ion the planet. We were given the ... power to create a third emodiment... the serpent and the birds... the expression of the being spleased the spiritual hierarchy. not too much greed or power. 0 told to come here to this planet to start creating a universal embodiment. = The golden AGE - we are on planet earth and we are going up to the fifth 0- in the holographic within the fifth 0- holographic bubble - once we go int ther eand start living and the energy will reverberate thorughout the whole of creation. it is brand new here. difficult to come nto this realty.
Veil of Illusion - all that you feel is sent back ... you are connected t your own species and the enrgies of you home planet. when you get your awareness you start to see you are in a prison here.
cycel to end all cycle.s RA - was rewarded. he was allowed to build a monumont ... the circle sto end all cycles. the circle and the cross. true cycles... is 24,832 years - acceleration factor. plus 6.18 percent. the golden ratio. - The sphinx - was build 24,832 years ago - RA - the lion kind - genetics of the lion - the winged dragon They build that with Thoth... honor the lion beings to help turn them around from the energy of war and move back into the enregy o fpeace. It respresents peace - locks into the magnetic grids - used sound to build it magnetic grids - ancient and the magnetic grids - star of david-

Humanity is pulling domains of consciousness into this field. WE are magnificent - we create our own music out of nothing. Out lived religions and we are in the window of change. This is quite an adventure of living in the moment. You pay attention within this time period. Grateful for the time that is existing. Time is the only currency that we have. Time is the most important facotr of life. You may not retrieve time as you are the stream of existence.

Who we are to become.. from the A's perspective.

responsible freedom of self determination becoming truly self confident and free to unconditionally be responsible for yourself without being coherced by some other authority.

We are already who we need to be it is just the question of remembering. In that remembering it is about letting go of mistakes and regrets. the love you wihtout is the pain that you carry. life time after life time. it was an ah moment. we make decisions like that without really feeling.

the decision to with hold love is one that keeps pain active. to be consciously aware to be loving.

Share - TIME - worship of ISness - holographic technology. a yamaka device... showing scenes . movie clips... seeing lifetimes.... at 8 year old... ET bodies, different lifeforms, male female ... etc. on a soul level alex was part of them... was killed in a conflict with other races here 62,000 years previous.

exercising discernment - you are soul first - physicality is the last extension. IN 1993 a color sound frequency started emanating from all the black holes. its happening on all the levels A perspective creating a brand new holographic template over the whole density mass of this universe... Within this Holograph there are conscious beings A's do not know who they are but the ones higher than them - the 12th density and can see into all of the densities... This template is pulling all the dimensions up into higher frequency. We are going through teh dimensional shifts with expanded consciousness all the other races ets are also doing this. They have not surpressed the technologies. The Law of Consistency... they all have the same goal of spiritual evolution as a family as a race. Tehy are helping us metoring all. Whether we are ptal or not... That is remarkable - everything we have been taught about who we are .. religions have punished us ... scientists say we are just a pool of chemicals creted by a mistake.

We had this planned all along... this trouble to grow, to evolve, to make a statement to the rest of the universe. Share in their words..

The most necessary action for all terrans to illuminate your degenerated civilization
consciousness is your scale it always provides balance which never fails.
speaks to those who listen and tells you what to do or not to do.
To one or all beings who choose to be evolved.
the administrators responsible
the key to your happiness is in the hands of your own consciouness
you terrans have not according to others
this kind of conduct of yours
each one is a free soul or free consciousness no one is the servant or slave of anyone else
the hidden one will trick you otherwise
mutual respect is imperitative for a healed planet and race.
Our help is being extended if you wish if you so want it
because our Genetic lineages to our races we would like to be ther ewith you during your difficult times.
Today your planet the race destroys itself
be at one with yourself.
recover the geniune human beings lost in deep within your self.. and be at one with yourself.

1998 - Dec 3rd 2013 - actually be moving into fifth density. = All of us regardless of our form all things evolve in cycles we all live in a boundless consciousness - 5720 years we are about to regain ourselves... it is an unprescendent - change it will be difficult for many to grasp their potential - It is something that our forefathers had never experienced.

Creating a RACE of LEADERS - in that Leadership - each one has the responsiblity to be a leader and to make everyone else a leader. everyone moves together. This is something that is STRESSED - being as close to Nature as possible. Only planet - that uses currency. In fact why do we use money paper with pictures on it. ? - i don't understand - why you have to pay to live on a planet you were born on? - what do we create to drop that paradigm. who is going to step up and change this... We have nearly destroyed the planet - destroyed species and it is all over power wealth and control

How do we move from this paradigm to the new paradigm. ET's have giving up on the governments - the ones working with them are the dark ET races. How do we find our Soul again . What does it take to change the essence of a man. Is ther ean event, mantra prayer what does it take . Many of us have completely lost our way. many would do anything for us as Friends... we wantthem to be aware of the changes coming ... they simply do not want to deal with it... because they are tyring to manage a life that doesn't work. they don't have anything else to belieive in just what htey do every day .. In creating a New DOMAIN of knowing and saying What do we WANT... everbody must be able to take hold of a pieice of. Everyday there are little things we can do to shit our coscnioiusness.

everyday be greateful that we have anotehr day.. always tell your children that you love them love each person. always be friendly and cordial... always say a blessing in ambulence. for each and all inwar, peace littel things are always about conscious intent. earth is boot camp for the soul it mirrors our shit back to us... the more shit the more shit. - that is why it is so overwhelming after a while - little things - BLESS everything it changes the frequency - simple things - attitude of gratitude -

go for walks - go outside - give yourself a break andremember where you are ... don't be stuck in a rut... the ET's the psychic phenomena is all US .. it is US. They are remindersof who we are. Get out of our own WAY!!!!!!!!! - hollywood has - legend of bader vance... a young man who went war... the authentic swing... lost his swing in a WAR. - any trauma can do this... can to lose their authentic swing their soul.

EARTH has been an experiment for a very long time... differnet planet, stars, galaxies. each life form have been genetically altered to live here... This is an E type complicated eco system. - methane, hydrogen components etc... as traveleers move through space they will experiment and re create life forms. civilizations have beendoing this forever to imporove or see what hapens. Earth is magnificent and many ET's have talked to the A's at how bad it has gotten here. They dont understand ow the race has allowed our governments to use technology that is harmful to the planet. Now is the Time... to make some changes. I know ou are dedicated and makde the time to make this real.

For Americans - we are dangerously close to lose our freedom - in 2010 to create the North American Union - the constitutin and bill of rights are not part of this process... Takes Leadership to change this... it will take the ability to communicate - to your family and all. Theglobal economy is changing - the USA will be the first to experience a lot of that stuff ... you are the Leaders - This is what is going on.. this is what it is ... and this is what we have to DO...

Read the fine print ... on the contracts...

Financial Structure - what all the cultures do is they have a small government and everything is provided... in return for that you participate of several years of learning how to deal with and be part of society. you are also contributing ... each generation contributes... utopia society .... everyone is partof this world.

they use holographic technology - they manufacture things in a way - that is done in a way that is beyond our conceptions as the mental imaginative creative manifestations... awe inspiring... using their thoughts to bring it together - magnetize space with their thoughts..

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