Modern Day Robber Barons: Identifying Them and Their Strategies

1 year ago

Mads Palsvig is a former investment banker and now a Danish politician. He speaks frequently about the fact that there does not need to be any poverty in the world, and why poverty exists. It is basically due to the central bankers who follow a Malthusian attitude, that there are not enough resources to go around and so the masses must be controlled via taxes (and more recently, severe restrictions to rapidly shrink the middle class due to the financial system spiralling towards a crash).

When I lived in poor countries I often wondered how such levels of poverty were possible. Thanks to Mads and other financial experts who I discovered during my search for answers around the lockdown horror, I now understand. Including the fact that "I" am no different in the eyes of this parasitic class, than the homeless and hungry across the poor world. Only "I" am more likely to put up a fight until I too, can be made homeless and hungry.

In fact, there is more than enough room, and there are more than enough resources, on the planet for all of us. And none of us need be impoverished or indebted to our governments. The right policies could fix this for humanity.

Thank you, Mads!

Here he speaks with orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik, about the plans being enacted in order to shrink the middle class, so as to maintain power and control.


Another excellent interview with Mads is available at Planet Lockdown, here:

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