The UN-DEAD of Columbine - Steven Curnow - 2014

1 year ago

Published on May 2, 2014

"A search for the "victims" of the 1999 Columbine 'massacre' in official records yields some shocking results. There aren't any.

One of the first complete "No Motive" school massacres ever staged, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were supposed to have embarked on gunning down 12 students and a teacher - only to shoot themselves. For 15 years, most people have accepted this as a real event. Now, the fact that an FBI agent's son (of the LEAD agent investigating the case, no less) helped the Klebold and Harris team to make a film about a bombing inside the school - prior to the 'shooting' of course - makes much more sense. And, the fact that one of the "victims" also worked with them in acting and plays, also makes more sense.

A "mass shooting" anniversary special, April 20 2014. Now the truth can be known. One of the greatest prizes in the infringer's arcade of fakery is now going down in flames.

This film, as mind-bending as it may be, is just a teaser for what is to follow.


More on control through staged violence:

Columbine, Columbine High School, Columbine Massacre, Klebold, Harris, Steven Curnow, Matt Kechter, Virginia Tech, mass shooting, Cho, anniversary, Fort Hood Shooting, Gabrielle Giffords, Tuscon shooting, Wade Page, Loughner, Jared Loughner, Karl Pierson, Arapahoe, truck bomb, IED, Sikh, Sikh Temple, Arapahoe school, Townsend, Bernall, Fleming, Curnow, Rachel Scott, Rohrbough, SWAT, FEMA, second amendment, lockdown, crisis actors, staged, school shooting, Homeland Security, victims, DHS, Stockton, Stockton School Shooting, Hoax, Patrick Purdy, Sandy Hook, Daniel Ferguson, mass shooting, shooting hoax, witnesses, eyewitness, false flag, testimony, drill, Navy Yard Shooting, staged, gun control, AR-15, Tracy Murphy, Claire Davis, handgun, shotgun, Barack Obama, white house, Giffords, Safeway shooting, Alexis, Mary Knight, attack, bombing, false flag, EMC, John Kerry, government, Christian Williams, police, death records, charity, public relations, PR, government sponsored, 9/11, lihop, mihop, operation gladio, sandy hook, batman massacre, investigation, controlled explosion, terror, reality check, fear, staged terrorism, constitution, privacy, bill of rights, Jared Loughner, oligarchs, media, media coverage, programming, psyop, PATCON, history, Barack Obama, David Yepez, stooge, patsy, shadow government, nwo, oligarchy, elitists, FBI, Adrianne Haslet, trauma, emergency, Adam Lanza, Nancy Lanza, Peter Lanza, boston marathon, injuries, fake injuries, killed, false flag, false flag attack, Sydney Corcoran, staged attack, moulage, deception, boston marathon, marathon, boston police, Marilyn Kight, EMT"

If you appreciate the things I find then might I consider purchasing a few dollars of Sandy Hook Hoax token on the Algorand blockchain
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