'The UN-DEAD of Sandy Hook - Avielle Richman' - 2014

1 year ago

Published on Mar 19, 2014

"In this series, we will discover the true origin and fate of the children "victims" of the Sandy Hook 'shooting' incident. As a bonus, we look at "Avielle's" apparent younger sisters - the ones who would likely have actually been at Sandy Hook (though NOT resembling the fake "victim" so much)... ALSO seen very much ALIVE!

A careful search of the available records, fails to validate a single one of the identities or names appearing in the database of fake child victims. Instead, we see a collection of disposable identities evidently cultivated specifically for the event. These identities are portrayed by real children as models, using photographs of various suitable dates. Incredibly, in an act that sets a new standard in audacious fraud, the SAME children were put on display - as a group - on broadcast television... allowing all of them to be visually accounted for two months AFTER their ostensible demise! (More exactly, that of the identities they portrayed.)

The names of the children while on stage, were naturally kept... 'confidential'.

Children must be handled differently from adults, for purposes of staging faked deaths in drills. Largely, this is because minors CANNOT legally sign non-disclosure agreements - or enter into any binding contract, for that matter. That is probably the main impetus for entirely fabricated identities being used for the roles of children in Sandy Hook. The children / models themselves, have likely been kept more or less ignorant of their exact roles for this reason; lest they divulge the fraud later, unbound by confidentiality.

The same ignorance CANNOT be used as an excuse by the participating adults, however.

A reasonable guess as to HOW faked children's names could be enrolled in a school, might involve the fact that the PRINCIPAL of the school was (is) RELATED to the Lanza family - including of course to Ryan Lanza, whose alter-ego "Adam" is designated as the 'shooter'.

Remember as well that Nancy Lanza's sister is proven to have been an important figure in the CIA. How cool is that? Perhaps a little investigation of Dawn Hochsprung's relationship with the CIA is worth looking at also.


https://archive.org/details/SandyHook... - Historical Archive PDF

Sandy Hook - GAME OVER - NO Deaths NO Victims in
Official Record -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r38l_...

The Fake Death Industry and the Boston Marathon -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m07q7...

CONFIRMED - The "Lanza" Family is CIA Connected -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al4wi...
The Lanza Deception - The "Lanza" Family
May Only Have Existed as a CIA Operation -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKfzj...

The Invisible Lanza -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6lcx...



hoax, victims, Allison Wyatt, Avielle Richman, Wolfgans Halbig, Adam Lanza, active shooter, firearms, rifles, second amendment, rights, freedom, Sandy Hook, Olivia Engel, hypocrisy, confiscation, gun ban, GCI, terror, columbine, batman massacre, sikh temple, staged, barack obama, Daniel Barden, Charlotte Bacon, Josephine Gay, Dylan Hockley, Catherine Hubbard, Chase Kowalski, Jesse Lewis, constitutional, supreme court, statistics, schools, safety, education, facts, fact check, demand a plan, actors, chris rodia, Benjamin Wheeler, Avielle Richman, culture, society, Ryan Lanza, newtown elementary, Connecticut, school shooting, mass murder, 2012, barack obama, sandy hook elementary, FEMA, exercises, bushmaster, conspiracy, fast and furious, OKC, fake, NWO, totalitarian, FEMA camps, NDAA, staged, event, columbine, batman massacre, sikh temple, WTC, alex jones, webster tarpley, evidence, proof, mind controlled, anti constitutional, political, operation mockingbird, operation artichoke, brainwashing, manchurian, programming, second shooter, purple van, children, sacrifice, prepper, domestic, terrorism, government operation, TSA, constitution, semi-auto, gun control, ban, freedom, CT, FBI, investigation, USA, SSDI, SSDMF, presidential directive"

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