Sonic Forces - All Spectrum The Hedgehog Cutscenes (Sonic: The Rookie Chronicles)

1 year ago

Hello guys! Today, I have all of the cutscenes from Sonic Forces that contains my main Sonic OC: Spectrum The Hedgehog! Over this summer, I've been developing my Sonic OCs a lot, making my very own Sonic AU that has sprouted from Forces (similar to that of the official IDW comics (WHICH ARE STILL NOT CANON, @SonictheHedgehog)! That AU mostly revolves around the main character of this video: Spectrum The Hedgehog, my AU's version of the Rookie. I've been hoping for a while to get some material from Sonic Forces for Spectrum and my AU, and long story short, I finally got it (and now I'm sharing it with all of you to view); I've also been hoping to start doing a bunch more content on this channel for my OCs, and this felt like a good starting-off point for my Sonic OCs in particular! I will admit that I wasn't able to make this video for a long time, as most consoles blocked recording Forces' cutscenes (for no reason) and I don't really have the equipment to work around that issue... Thankfully though, I recently found the one person who could help me get this footage (and they did, as you can obviously see...), that being my official Shadow and Espio actor for this channel's new dubs: SugiLeafVA! While the video quality isn't all there sometimes, what he delivered is still very good (just as I hoped for, especially after I edited it all into the final product you're now watching); he even left a few mods in that gave Sonic a cleaner look (I hope some of the Sonic Forces haters appreciate that, at least)! All in all, I'm very pleased with the final results, and I can't thank him enough for his help! So anyways, we tried to keep most of the necessary material in the game that included the Rookie for this video, only having to (intentionally) cut the radio dialogues in-between stages, as we couldn't get Spectrum's costume to transfer over to those scenes and we couldn't get good voice lines from those dialogue scenes to make audio-only scenes instead (also on that note, those audio-only scenes felt weird when I put them up with the overall tone of the video while editing, so they also had to be cut for that reason); even still, I did try to provide as much context for scenes as I still could, like playing a cutscene that takes place before another, or playing out a cutscene in its entirety. We did accidentally forget to record the Double Boost in the Final Judgement stage, but I decided to leave that out in the end, as the pacing seemed to improve without something taking up the space in-between the final battle against Infinite and the final boss (but don't worry, Final Judgement is still a part of Spectrum's story). We also had to redo some scenes, as there were glitches while recording; primarily, we had to re-record the Death Crab chase, as the first take saw the camera go into the floor for a bit; all in all, beyond all of that cut-content, we still tried to keep as much of Spectrum's in-game moments (in-level cutscenes/animations, quick time events, etc.) as we could to go along with the cutscenes, so I hope you appreciate that. Anyways, with all that said, I hope you enjoy this little compilation of sorts, and I hope to do more stuff with Spectrum soon! Until then, be sure to like, share, comment, join a membership, and subscribe! Until next time!

0:00 Intro
0:25 Joining the Resistance
2:09 Surviving the Freight Trains
2:33 Flashback to Sunset City
3:16 Sonic saves Spectrum
3:59 Storming Arsenal Pyramid
4:32 Finding the Phantom Ruby Prototype and Tails
5:16 Operation Big Wave
5:38 Confronting Infinite
7:10 Fighting Metal Sonic on Red Gate Bridge
8:12 Death Crab Chase
9:11 The Second Battle of Metropolis
11:13 The Battle of Eggman Empire Fortress
14:33 Final Battle against Infinite
16:22 Final Battle against Eggman
18:26 Aftermath
21:44 Outro

Check out where the story goes from here::

Check out SugiLeafVA, who provided the gameplay recordings::

#ChaosControlVA #SonicTheHedgehog #SonicForces #SonicTheRookieChronicles #SonicAU #SpectrumTheHedgehog #Cutscenes #AllCutscenes #Rookie #SugiLeafVA #SonicTubers

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Logos by SimitarchVOs and @ChaosControlVA

(Outro) Sonic Origins Trailer Music by @HyperPotions

Recording Equipment:
Open Broadcasting Software (OBS)

Edited in:
DaVinci Resolve 18

Sonic The Hedgehog © SEGA and the Sonic Team
This video and "Sonic: The Rookie Chronicles" © @ChaosControlVA

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