JAW DROPPING! Pierre Poilievre DESTROYS Justin Trudeau. (Related info and links in description)

1 year ago

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Market Mania 🇨🇦
Aug 1, 2023
Jaw Dropping! Pierre Poilievre DESTROYS Justin Trudeau. In a jaw-dropping speech, Pierre Poilivere destroys Justin Trudeau and may have sealed himself as the next Prime Minister of Canada. Pierre rightly describes Canada as it is right now.

Welcome to the demonic psychopathic [cheating uniparty] Liberal Hivemind (and pride month) satanic agenda
- Slaughtering children
- Grooming children
- Indoctrinating children
- Raping children
- CDC stands for “Child Death Cult” … nationwide child sacrifice ritual disguised as “immunization”
- Arming Nazi military forces in Ukraine
- Bioterrorism
- Forced medical experimentation
- Orwellian censorship
- Brainwashing and propaganda
- Racism against white culture
- Sexism against men
- War on Heterosexuality (Normality)
- Abolishing the Right to defend yourself
- Abolishing local and state police
- Open borders to access undocumented children (Adrenochrome)
- Harvesting Organs and Adrenochrome of MAID Donors
- 2nd day in office, Biden rescinded Trump’s Executive Order that helped combat child sex trafficking. Why???
- Election fraud
- Higher taxes
- More government
- Less freedom
- Project the hate of themselves and evil agenda onto opponents
- Woke corporate baby killing assistance programs
- SB 871 – would require all children 0-17 to get the COVID-19 vaccine to attend childcare or school without FDA approval. That bill also takes away any personal or religious belief exemptions,
- SB 866 – would allow kids 12-17 to get COVID-19 vaccine without parental consent,
- SB 1464 – would allow law enforcement officials to enforce public health orders,
- AB 2098 – would reclassify the sharing of COVID-19 “misinformation” by doctors and surgeons as unprofessional conduct that would result in disciplinary actions
- All five US military branches facing dishonorable discharge for refusing to take the experimental vaccine
- The tyrannical Trudeau government (those assimilated into the cabal) to remove all our freedoms so that Trudeau is free to follow through with the Global Reset.
- College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Suggests Unvaccinated Patients are Mentally Ill and Should be Put on Psychiatric Medication
- Guy Brummel (also known as Agent Margaritaville) has been locked up in PRISON because he has a list of PEDOS living in CANADA AND the USA, who occupy KEY positions of power.
- Klaus Schwab predicted the erasure of 4 billion “useless eaters” by 2050.
- Davos Elites travel on private jets & dine on the finest foods while we must eat bugs.
- These criminals are all demonic psychopathic pedophiles and they want to mandate us so they can be free to continue their crimes in systematic secret!
- Includes (RINOs) ‘In Name Only’ hivemind infiltrators. (Francis???)
- They are afraid of us and panicking. What are the penalties for treason and crimes against humanity?
- Pope Francis is on board with all these Biden/Pelosi/Trudeau liberal policies that he pronounces are “good Catholics”. BTW – get VAXXED with the death jab!
- This weird wacko pseudo - medical cult religion is after our children! Their crazy pseudo-science allows them not to wear masks in their delusional minds, but mandates us for genocide jabs and harmful masking in contrary to actual scientific evidence. These elite scum are the ones who are crazy and devoid of humanity. Let's pray, especially for the children! Marcum)

Best Alex Jones Pedophile RANT In History! On point over 6 yrs ago!

UN Executive Director Blows Whistle: Global Elite Are ALL Pedophiles

(Note: Notice all worldwide Liberal wacko policies and forced mandates seem to come from a controlled demonic hive-mind, watch this video below for clues) "Let the tuning commence"
Secret Recording from the Capital Hill Dems Committee SCIF meetings

(This evil hive-mind agenda can only be explained by a hidden invading demonic/alien takeover that want control over your God-given soul.)

Arizona Wilder (explains hive-mind)


Elite Banker Blows Whistle on Child Sacrifice: "Satanic Pedophiles Run the World"

Barack Obama Exposed As Secret Architect of 'Pedophile Rights' Movement in Schools

Russians began to break the censorship of Elite Pedophile networks

…85,000 children lost to paedos each year?

(Note: It is become clearer that most of the installed elite have been (pre-planned) through bloodline or bio-engineered to be both male and female in the image of the Baphomet so that they can be possessed by these controlling evil entities or through a godless satanic culture that coerces/seduces normal humans into blending or changing their genders so that demons can partly control or fully possess them. Everything becomes inverted or good becomes evil and evil is now good. Once separated from source or God (they have no soul), Adrenochrome becomes one of their life sources or means to keep young or keeping a clone going. Goal to destroy the family unit and invert everything that is good, drawing our energy for their soulless existence. Once you know this secret it explains everything and those affected stand out like a sore thumb. Would it be inconceivable to suggest that when both the current pope and Vatican support the Great Reset, Pfizer, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum that possibly the past Vatican conclave, Cardinals and the pope himself have been penetrated by these demonic psychopathic entities as well? Most celebrities if not all are secretly transgendered because they pay allegiance to their false deity Baphomet who is an androgyny. Take it or leave it, but where is the better explanation? Thank God for Q Intel, the leaked Podesta Emails and WikiLeak dumps. Time to wake up! Marcum)


‘Adrenochrome - Mind Control -v1.pdf’

Adrenochrome (ADC) (These Demonic Psychopaths are Pure EVIL!

Arizona Wilder (explains the hive-mind) - from my banned/censored truth archive - repost

MARGARITA MINUTE! TRUDEAU THE DOPE! (Shocking Adrenochrome links in description)

Human Cloning 2022 Pt 2: Narrated by Yash Qaraah (Cloning links in description)

REESE REPORT - Predictive Programming and the Ohio Train Wreck (How humans subconsciously give the Cabal permission to control our reality Pt1)

Gene Decode & Team. Cabal's Contempt of Court! (How humans subconsciously give the Cabal permission to control our reality Pt2)

Brief explanation of Agenda 21-(Agenda 2030 is part of Agenda 21)

Iron Sky: The Coming Race (2019) (A Hidden Documentary?)

Nicholson1968 - Globalist Plan For Mark of the Beast EXPOSED!

I believe demons (fallen angels) use the hidden invading evil race of Reptilian type aliens as the intermediary interdimensional medium to possess us (including soul scalping/MK-Ultra or clone) with total procession (most hive-mind elite/leaders) or projecting their will on susceptible victims while manipulating our carnal desires away from God ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. These entities are very old, a higher dimension, extremely intelligent, but lost their own soul and no longer have a connection with God therefore making them purely carnal-type beings that seek to totally possess humans and terraform our world. They need to feed off us to exist here and draw energy through the inversion of good and evil. Those totally possessed, clones or shapeshifting reptoids require a supply of adrenochrome in order to hold form or exist in our realm. You can see the manifested manipulation of these lower vibrational carnal desires especially pride, lust and greed through the hive-mind of Hollywood, liberal activists, death-cult pseudo-science medical leaders, gender inversions, politicians, world leaders or even ourselves. The results do not resemble a normal human, but rather demonic psychopaths with virtually no empathy and bent on control over us. Marcum

(Note: Also see these two related videos below. By watching these predictive programming movies, we unknowingly give the cabal permission to actually follow through with their satanic agenda and human control. Our mind doesn’t realize our subconscious was tricked while we think we are only watching harmless entertainment, don’t question the subject matter and ultimately do nothing as we are zombified. Most humans are unaware of the spiritual battle we are in and the cabal wants our soul with our children being their ultimate prize. Pray! Marcum)

REESE REPORT - Predictive Programming and the Ohio Train Wreck (How humans subconsciously give the Cabal permission to control our reality Pt1)

Gene Decode & Team. Cabal's Contempt of Court! (How humans subconsciously give the Cabal permission to control our reality Pt2)

MUST WATCH: New Film Exposes The Entire Globalist Endgame!

Illuminati Predictive Programming in Movies!

The United States Is Being Run By The Top 5 Demons In Hell Along With Satan - Here Is Who They Are


Symbolism will be their Downfall Lou Decode B2T

Globalist Agenda, Digital Currency & the Catholic Church Takeover with Br. Bugnolo

CV19 Bioweapon Vax is Not Genocide, It’s extinction

…is nuremberg 2 coming? (About time to put these demonic psychopaths to trial towards full justice)

Insiders In FULL PANIC as Masses Turn Off Legacy Media, Awaken to NWO Takeover!


Learn the esoteric language of the deep state and we'll stop their control over us.

“I am glad that everyone is now seeing the light on what I have been saying loud and clear for the last two years, that the 2020 Presidential Election was rigged and stolen by a combination of Democrats, Big Tech, “law enforcement,” and other bad actors. Sadly, we have become a corrupt Country, perhaps one of the most corrupt anywhere in the world. We MUST right this horrible wrong, and take our Country back!”
… Donald J. Trump

(Note: In my research, as a Canadian, I can assure you that Dominion Voting machines are used in key areas of Canada during a federal election. Do you think the Trudeau government actually had the votes to win the last snap election or any election in the past decade? So not only are un-elected medical officials dictating their evil psychopathic genocide narrative, corrupt media, but most likely dictated down by an illegitimate government - exactly as in the USA and other world countries.

(Note: In the USA you have these so-called RINOs (In Name Only), we have these hack politicians (In Name Only) like Erin O’Toole in Canada as well. Either paid-off, idiots or demonic psychopaths who sold their souls. With election fixes in, how many politicians or un-elected medical officials are part of this planned genocide and plandemic? They will have a lot to answer for in this life or the next. See: Canada's Chad EP. 86 - O'Toole Won't Support Truckers. https://rumble.com/vtc7d0-canadas-chad-ep.-86-otoole-wont-support-truckers-mirrored.html

THE FORUM OF YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS (Shaping the future) – Graduates Angela Merkel, Bill Gates, Jens Spahn, and Justin Trudeau among others. Global genocide planned for decades with certain leaders placed in position or through fraud elections. Trudeau was purposely positioned as our Prime Minister for this exact point of time.

“The Young Global Leaders … aligned with the World Economic Forum’s mission, we seek to drive public-private co-operation in the global public interest. We are united by the belief that today’s pressing problems present an opportunity to build a better future across sectors and boundaries.” ...It's A Big Club And You Ain't In It.

KLAUS SCHWAB IN 2017 - "MERKEL, PUTIN, TRUDEAU (AND MORE) WERE ALL WEF YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS" https://rumble.com/vtead0-klaus-schwab-in-2017-merkel-putin-trudeau-and-more-were-all-wef-young-globa.html

Here is an example link and an excerpt from this link. Do these Canadian Dominion Machine voting delays and excuses sound familiar as the alleged cheating is tabulated?

“Dominion Voting System, the municipal voting system used by several townships, is experiencing slowdowns and stoppages.
It seems to be caused by too many voters entering the system at the same time, and Dominion has increased their capacity, but it's still too slow, which is why we made the decision to extend the voting period," Jeff Smith, deputy clerk with the Township of Woolwich told CBC.”

Giuliani to Newsmax: DOJ Overlooked Evidence of Biden Bribery

Trump Mercilessly Unleashes On Biden In Speech Following Arraignment In Federal Court

FULL SPEECH President Trump The New Hampshire Federation of Republican Women June 27 2023

"If I was the Deep State"(all lying demonic psychopaths)

Favorito Walks Through Election Machine Report Hidden By Government Showing How Votes Can Be Flipped

There's Something Strange About the Durham Report "America Live w/ Rudy Giuliani."

Laptop From Hell links.pdf (Exclusive)

Report on the Hunter Biden Laptop – Marco Polo

Tucker Carlson Tonight, -Mar-03-2023 “It is disproportionately stupid and crazy” … who gets installed!

Tucker Carlson Tonight, Jan 6th Video Released. March 8 2023

Breaking News! Watch out! Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden is actually… – GNEWS

PROOF Our Elections Have Been RIGGED Since 2000

O’Keefe OMG Undercover Video, FOX News Producer Reveals, “Tucker Getting Fired Was Part of It” – Dominion Lawsuit

2022 Canadian Trucker Convoy vs Tyrannical Psychopath Globalists Recap- (Watch before it is censored again)

What is a 15 Minute City? All LEADERSHIP ELECTIONS Are RIGGED - MILLIONS are Waking Up

The Steal Machine with Jovan Hutton Pulitzer

Urgent Patriots! Jan 6th Rudy Giuliani “Save America March Speech” media bias exposed! Please share.

Pres. Trump - Special Counsel Investigation – (Excellent Cabal Overview from Trump)

Dominion Class Action Reaches SCOTUS w/ Gary Walker & Ernie Fielder on Sat. Night Livestream

Election Theft Made Simple


Catholic Church Falls To Communism

SELECTION CODE Movie on the 2020 Election Steal is DEVASTATING (Drop & Roll)

Roger Stone Released SHOCKING STATEMENT On The Media’s Pathetic Attempts To Frame President Trump

Dominion Voting Systems has a history of controversy in Canadian elections


2000 Mules - Full video

Selection Code - > You Vote; > {They Decide} [hivemind cheating and control]

BREAKING: Germany Does It Right! Election In Berlin Must Be Re-Run Due to Discrepancies


Elections Expert Jovan Pulitzer on How to Stop the Fraud

Mel K And Jovan Hutton Pulitzer On Election Truths And Consequences 10-25-22

Putting the World Economic Forum out of Business!

Arizona Wilder (explains hive-mind)

Patriot Underground Episode 250 (right on the mark “biblical”– Marcum)

Premier Doug Ford - “This will be resolved through the ballot-box”- WHAT???

Justin Trudeau is a Pedophile [mirrored]

This is a planned narrative against us and it is demonic to say the least in this spiritual warfare. The world is relying on what happens in the USA regarding the stolen election. This has to be rectified now or it is game over for the rest of the world. The evil cabal will cheat again as they take total control over us and their goal is depopulation. Wake up, and pray! I am confident that the US military is in control and to trust the plan. Meanwhile we have to do our part and not comply to this insanity. Total respect to the brave souls from "truckersforfreedom", "mounties4freedom" and "Rebel News" for your leadership. God Bless, Marcum)


“Everybody you see on TV, about 90% are a clone, a synthetic robotoid or a soul scalped person.” (From my archive of censored or banned videos) Hint: Think Biden, Pelosi, Schiff, Trudeau, RINOs, woke (pope?)

Guy Brummel (also known as Agent Margaritaville) has been locked up in PRISON because he has a list of PEDOS living in CANADA AND the USA, who occupy KEY positions of power. Learn why PEDOPHILE illuminati puppets... all want Guy Brummel to go away! (Part 1 of 10)

MODEL FREAKS OUT AT ILLUMINATI DINNER WITH HUMAN FLESH (“They took me there so you could make a copy [clone] of me.”)

Adrenochrome (ADC) (These Demonic Psychopaths are Pure EVIL! please see description for info & link)


JUAN O SAVIN: 911 – Q is 17


“A little birdie told me” Wink! Wink!

DNA Activation The Unveiling

(All MSM is corrupt and the enemy of the people. They are the mouthpiece for the evil elite globalist genocide plan. Canadian MSM one of the worst in the world along with our corrupt illegitimate controlling Trudeau government all in cahoots with US and corrupt world cabal media…The MSM is the actual cult.) “Time to wake up!”
Please use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research.
Let’s all pray and together try to “wake up” as many people from the spell as possible.

Disclaimer: Listeners solely responsible for their own actions or choices. For entertainment purposes only, not medical advice.

A must see for Catholics! Can Pope Francis love us to death? (Marcum MyCatholicRedPill)

Blaylock: Update on Covid-19 pandemic events (They not even hiding the information)

(Note: It is become clearer that most of the installed elite have been (pre-planned) through bloodline or bio-engineered to be both male and female in the image of the Baphomet so that they can be possessed by these controlling evil entities or through a godless satanic culture that coerces/seduces normal humans into blending or changing their genders so that demons can partly control or fully possess them. Everything becomes inverted or good becomes evil and evil is now good. Once separated from source or God (they have no soul), Adrenochrome becomes one of their life sources or means to keep young or keeping a clone going. Goal to destroy the family unit and invert everything that is good, drawing our energy for their soulless existence. Once you know this secret it explains everything and those affected stand out like a sore thumb. Would it be inconceivable to suggest that when both the current pope and Vatican support the Great Reset, Pfizer, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum that possibly the past Vatican conclave, Cardinals and the pope himself have been penetrated by these demonic psychopathic entities as well? Most celebrities if not all are secretly transgendered because they pay allegiance to their false deity Baphomet who is an androgyny. Take it or leave it, but where is the better explanation? Thank God for Q Intel, the leaked Podesta Emails and WikiLeak dumps. Time to wake up! Marcum

(As a devoted Catholic, as more true nature of the evil around us is revealed it actually enforces our beliefs in God and as Christians. I have heard not one word from Canadian Bishops against the tyrannical Trudeau government or support towards freedom-loving Canadians. Most comments ask why I simply just leave the faith as a Catholic because I am so critical of our present Catholic leadership, especially the pope. My response is, I am not going nowhere, it is the evil infiltrators that have to leave the church (physically and spiritually). It is the evil satanic politicians, corrupt medical establishment, big tech manipulators, and church leaders that sold their souls for power and money that will be exposed and held accountable…either in this world or in the Courts of God.) Marcum

(Note: I believe demons (fallen angels) use the hidden invading evil race of Reptilian type aliens as the intermediary interdimensional medium to possess us (including soul scalping/MK-Ultra or clone) with total procession (most hive-mind elite/leaders) or projecting their will on susceptible victims while manipulating our carnal desires away from God ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. These entities are very old, a higher dimension, extremely intelligent, but lost their own soul and no longer have a connection with God therefore making them purely carnal-type beings that seek to totally possess humans and terraform our world. They need to feed off us to exist here and draw energy through the inversion of good and evil. Those totally possessed, clones or shapeshifting reptoids require a supply of adrenochrome in order to hold form or exist in our realm. You can see the manifested manipulation of these lower vibrational carnal desires especially pride, lust and greed through the hive-mind of Hollywood, liberal activists, death-cult pseudo-science medical leaders, gender inversions, politicians, world leaders or even ourselves. The results do not resemble a normal human, but rather demonic psychopaths with virtually no empathy and bent on control over us. From this perspective it is easy to conclude that these demonic psychopaths would cheat with these Dominion Voting machines at every opportunity and have no limits on lying, cheating and even killing to remain in power and control. Our children and our future are at stake from these satanic nutjobs. Pray! Marcum)

This Content Is Mirrored. Please support the original creator. All credit, royalties and sincere thanks to the original source of this video.

They are Lying to You and Will Continue to Lie Until We stop It!
1) They lied to u about Russia Collusion
2) They lied to u about the Ukraine War
3) They lied to u about the Ukraine Biolabs
4) They lied to u about Cov-i-d 19 Plandemic
5) They lied to u about Lockdowns
6) They lied to u about Useless Facemasks
7) They lied to u about Vaccines
8- They lied to u about Ivermectin
9) They lied to u about Hydroxychloroquine
10) They lied to u about Twitter Censorship
11) They lied to u about the Fake Steele Dossier
12) They lied to u about the 2020 Election
13) They lied to u about the 2022 Midterms
14) They lied to u about Hunter's Laptop
15) They lied to u about Hillary's Emails
16) They lied to u about the FBI/CIA spying on your social media
17) They lied to u about Fast & Furious
18) They lied to u about Election Interference
19) They lied to u about 9/11
20) They lied to u about Saddam & Iraq having WMDs
21) They lied to u about Pizza Gate
22) They lied to u about Child S-e-x Trafficking
23) They lied to u about Epstein S-e-x Island
24) They lied to u about The Patriot Act
25) They lied to u about The Global War on Terror
26) They lied to u about The Southern Border
27) They lied to u about Jan. 6th
28) They lied to u about Vietnam
29) They lied to u about Watergate
30) They lied to u about JFK
31) They lied to u about RFK
32) They lied to u about MLK, Jr.
33) They lied to u about Benghazi
34) They lied to u about Afghanistan
35) They lied to u about The War on Drugs
36) They lied to u about HIV/AIDS
37) They lied to u about Cancer
38) They lied to u about Climate Change
39) They lied to u about The Green New Deal
40) They lied to u about Food, Water, Cleaning Products
41) They lied to u about The Federal Reserve
42) They lied to u about The Washington Act of 1871 where Congress cut a deal w/foreign powers and intl. bankers and took the $ making 10 sq. miles of DC sovereign and changed us from the Republic FOR The United States of America to the United States Corporation where we're all "citizens" w/privileges instead of rights given by God!
43) They lied to u about Mass Shootings
44) They lied to u about The Great Reset
45) They lied to u about Agenda 21
46) They lied to u about Agenda 2030
47) They lied to u about the Anthony Weiner Laptop
48) They lied to u about Wikileaks and Julian Assange
49) They lied to u about Waco
50) They lied to u about Ruby Ridge
51) They lied to u about Nashville
52) They lied to u about Las Vegas
53) They lied to u about Hollywood
54) They lied to u about the OKC Bombing
55) They lied to u about Andrew Breitbart's Death
56) They lied to u about Gold
57) They lied to u about Michael Obama
58) They lied to u about Obama's kids
59) They lied to u about Margaret Sanger
60) They lied to u about Joan Rivers' Death
61) They lied to u about Haiti
62) They lied to u about Hunter's Cocaine
63) They lied to u about Investing on Wall St.
64) They lied to u about Chinese Spy Balloons
65) They lied to u about 15min. Cities
66) They lied to u about Feminism
67) They lied to u about Antarctica
68) They lied to u about Freemasons
69) They lied to u about Operation Mockingbird
70) They lied to u about MK Ultra
71) They lied to u about Chemtrails
72) They lied to u about the Earth, Roswell, NASA, Outer Space, Moon Landing (I believe moon landings were real, but only with censored content to control the narrative - Marcum)?

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