Foreigners trying Indian street food Kebab for the first time!!

1 year ago

Foreigners try delicious Indian Kebabs for the first time!!

This video shows reactions of foreigners trying Indian street food Kebabs for the first time. Folks who don't know what Kebabs it are is various cooked meat dishes, with their origins in Middle Eastern cuisine. Many variants are popular around the world.

Kebabs consist of cut up or ground meat, sometimes with vegetables, and various other accompaniments according to the specific recipe. Although kebabs are typically cooked on a skewer over a fire, some kebab dishes are baked in a pan in an oven or prepared as a stew such as tas kebab.

Some varieties of kebab in India are more or less similar to kebab preparations elsewhere but with a distinctive taste, which can be credited to the use of Indian spices. Other varieties are entirely distinct versions native to India, such as Tunde ke kabab, Tikka kebab, Shami kebab, Soovar ki Saanth (pork belly kebabs from Rajasthan) and Rajpooti soolah. The prevalence of vegetarianism in much of India also means that there are many local vegetarian varieties made from Paneer or potato.

#kebab #indianstreetfood #foreignersreaction #indianfood #indiankebab

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