Senator Ted Cruz introduced DESIST Act

1 year ago

08/03/2023 On The Wayne Dupree Podcast, Hutch introduces that Senator Ted Cruz on Jul 11 introduced a legislation called the Deterring Egregious State Infiltration of Schools Training, the DESIST Act. The Act would prohibit the Department of Defense from establishing or maintaining a junior Reserve Officer Training Corps program at any private school operated or controlled by entities linked to the People's Republic of China, Chinese Communist Party or the PLA.
08/03/2023 在《The Wayne Dupree Podcast》节目上,Hutch介绍了7月11日,参议员泰德·克鲁兹推出一项《遏制国家对学校培训的严重渗透》法案,即DESIST法案。该法案将禁止国防部在与中共国、中共或者中国人民解放军有关联的实体运营或者控制的私立学校设立或者维持“初级后备军官训练团”项目。

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