President Donald J. Trump's Jan6 Save America Speech.

1 year ago

See and hear for yourself what the President actually said.

The Globalist Pigs, both Democrats and RiNOs, always lie. They lie about everything.
The Truth will prevail in the end. The Deep State Pigs, the Establishment Elitists who planned and orchestrated everything on, before and after Jan6, will down in history as the worst human scum since the Nazi Socialists of mid-20th Century Germany and Stalinist Soviet Union and Maoist China. The FEDSURRECTION of January 6, 2021 was a Deep State False Flag event that was by design a trap for Patriots who were exercising their constitutional rights at the Capitol.

President Donald J. Trump did nothing and said nothing that can be attributed for what happened that day. President Donald J. Trump is an innocent man and he is a National Hero who one day will prove to belong on Mount Rushmore.

God bless President Donald. J. Trump and God bless America.

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