The 9 different kinds of headaches you can get, headache is a disease of the age.

1 year ago

#headache #kindsphonicsong #disease #tension #migraines #cluster
The 9 different kinds of headaches you can get, headache is a disease of the age.
Tension-type headache (TTH) is the most prevalent neurological disorder worldwide and is characterized by recurrent headaches of mild to moderate intensity,
bilateral location, pressing or tightening quality, and no aggravation by routine physical activity.
Diagnosis is based on headache history and the exclusion of alternative diagnoses, with clinical criteria provided by the International Classification of Headache Disorders.
The exact cause of migraines is unknown, but there are a number of factors that are associated with them.
Migraines tend to run in families, although no specific gene has been linked to the disorder.
Age and gender may also play a role in determining who will get migraines.
Although migraines can appear at any age, they often begin in adolescence and are most frequent when people are in their 30s.
Cluster headaches occur in groups or cycles; each attack lasts about one to three hours on average.
According to the NHF, cluster headaches recur regularly, even multiple times daily, over a certain period and then may be followed by a headache-free period of months or even years.
Sinus headaches cause gnawing pain over the nasal area, often increasing in severity throughout the day, according to the NHF.
Sinus headache pain is caused by infection, usually with fever, producing blockage of sinus ducts and preventing normal drainage.
One theory is that too much medication can cause the brain to shift into an excited state, triggering more headaches. Another is that headaches are a symptom of withdrawal as the level of medicine drops in the bloodstream.
There are dental-related conditions that can trigger headaches or face pain.
Bruxism, according to NHF, is a condition in which one grinds, clenches, or gnashes the teeth, either by day or night, often without being aware of what they are doing.
Bruxism causes muscular over-activity and can lead to muscle spasms and headaches.
You love your coffee, but it can be a cruel companion. For example, if you have two cups of coffee every day at 9 a.m.
and miss those cups when you oversleep on Saturday—boom—you can end up with a caffeine withdrawal headache.
Orgasm-induced headaches are caused by having an orgasm. Luckily, they're relatively rare and are more common in younger people, particularly men, They usually start shortly after intercourse begins and end in a "thunderclap" headache at the climax, particularly men, They usually start shortly after intercourse begins and end in a "thunderclap" headache at the climax
Most headaches aren't an emergency, but there are a few symptoms that warrant immediate attention, which could indicate a brain aneurysm.
Another is when a headache comes with a fever or extreme rise in blood pressure, or if it occurs after a blow to the head or exertion.
Headaches can have numerous different causes, and symptoms can vary widely.
You may get a headache occasionally-say, before your period, or due to a sinus infection or you may be prone to chronic headaches, such as cluster headaches or migraines.

You can help your healthcare provider to come up with a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment by describing your headache symptoms and triggers in detail.
Tension headache
Cluster Headaches
Sinus Headaches
Rebound Headache
Dental Headaches
Caffeine Headaches
Orgasm Headaches

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