Who was Prophet Lut AS | Why God Destroyed his Nation | Where is his Tomb | what was punishment

1 year ago

Asslamoalaikum, Dear Brothers, sisters and
Lut is a prophet of God in the Quran. According
to Islamic tradition, Lot lived in Ur and was the
son of Haran and nephew of Abraham. He
migrated with Abraham to Canaan. He was
commissioned as a prophet to the cities of
Sodom and Gomorrah, The prophet Lot (Lut) is
mentioned by name 27 times in the Quran in
several long passages that relate how he was
sent to the people of Sodom., he was born in
1805 BC and die in 1980 BC at the age of 175
yrars, prophet lut was sent down to the first-ever
gay community, God destroyed the people of lut
including his wife, Like the Biblical narrative, the
Quran states that Lut's messages were ignored
by the inhabitants of the cities, and Sodom and
Gomorrah were subsequently destroyed. The
destruction of the cities is traditionally presented
as a warning against homosexuality in Islam as
well as other things, The people of Sodom and
Gomorra were very immoral and immodest. They
committed something deviant that no nation had
committed up to that time. The men preferred
men instead of women for sexual intercourse.
They went too far and committed it openly; they
even boasted about it. They would sit by the
road, throw stones at the passersby and mock
them. If a stone hit somebody, they would harass
In fact, this attitude was contrary to human
nature. For, the feeling of lust was given to man
for the continuation of human race; it was a
small price for marriage between men and
women. If this price (lust) had not been given,
people would not have undertaken the
responsibility of marriage; they would not have
got married. This would have cause the human
race to become extinct.
However, using lust out of this purpose and
trying to satisfy it through aberrant and
illegitimate ways reduce man to a degree lower
than animals. For, even animals do not commit
homosexuality. However, the nation of Lut got
into the habit of committing such a disgusting
thing. Allah Almighty sent them Lut as a prophet
due to this practice.
• Sodomi (Homosexuality)
Men and women were created so that they would
be partners. The spiritual and physical structure
of these two genders was created in such a way
that they always need each other. For, the
continuation of human race depends on this
partnership. Therefore, they naturally tend to
each other.
Allah Almighty rendered marriage between a
man and a woman legitimate due to this natural
tendency. The reason why this attraction
between men and women was created and
marriage was made legitimate is the continuation
of the human race.
This natural tendency between men and women
and the feeling of lust make these two genders
approach each other. It enables them to set up a
family and bring up children. Thus, this feeling in
the nature of human beings is satisfied
legitimately and the continuation of the human
race, which is the real purpose, is ensured.
As we have mentioned before, Allah Almighty
did not limit the feelings of human beings when
He created them. The feeling of lust is one of
them. The most important property of man
distinguishing him from animals is this
limitlessness in his feelings.
Allah Almighty limited these feelings, which He
did not limit in creation, through the religions
and prophets He sent; and He determined the
legitimate boundaries through them. Besides,
the mystery of testing lies here. These feelings,
which are free and limitless in creation, will be
arranged and limited in accordance with the laws
sent by Allah. Otherwise, if Allah Almighty had
limited the feelings of man like animals, passing
or failing the test by one's own preference would
not have been in question. It would not have
been in compliance with the divine will.
Allah Almighty legitimated the use of the feeling
of lust, which He did not limit in creation,
through marriage between men and women
beginning from the time of the Prophet Adam.
Man needs to satisfy his lust through marriage.
He must not resort to illegitimate ways.
The nation of Lut became the first nation that
deviated from this legitimate way in the most
disgusting way.
The Prophet (pbuh) states the following in a
hadith: “May Allah damn those who commit the
thing that the nation of Lut did!” According to
the majority of the Islamic scholars, homosexual
intercourse is a sin like fornication. The
punishment for fornication is also valid for
homosexual intercourse
It is believed that the community lived in what is
now the Dead Sea, a salt lake situated between
the West Bank and Jordan.
Bani Na’im is a Palestinian town located south of
Hebron in the occupied West Bank, Many
Muslims believe that Bani Na'im in Palestine
houses the tomb of Lot in the center of the town.
The tomb is located within a rectangular mosque
with an inner court and minaret

Allah Hafiz


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