5) The Esoteric Keys to Disclosure: Other Star Systems | Gigi Young

1 year ago

Esoteric Keys to Disclosure Playlist
Angels in Atlantis
Ensoulment of The Angels From Venus

Time Codes
0:00 Intro
0:46 How do beings from other solar systems relate to the Spiritual Hierarchies and the Earth?
2:37 The Spiritual Hierarchies
11:21 Escapism, Disassociation and Spiritual Bypassing by identifying with other star systems
16:53 Fallen beings are not Aliens
The 8th Sphere: https://anthroposophy.eu/Eighth_sphere
23:33 Using meaningful and correct descriptions of higher beings gives us access to higher forces
24:48 The Galactic Federation
26:38 The Ensoulment of The Angels from Venus

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