Why Layne Stayley Regret Singing About Drugs

1 year ago

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It was never any secret that Alice In Chains vocalist Layne Staley was a user of heroin. However, the singer never intended to romanticize the use of hard drugs, and actually felt a bit of regret when he realized that some people took the wrong messages from his craft.

As he told Rolling Stone in 1996:

"I wrote about drugs, and I didn't think I was being unsafe or careless by writing about them... Here's how my thinking pattern went: When I tried drugs, they were f****** great, and they worked for me for years, and now they're turning against me -- and now I'm walking through hell, and this sucks. I didn't want my fans to think that heroin was cool. But then I've had fans come up to me and give me the thumbs up, telling me they're high. That's exactly what I didn't want to happen." - Staley, To Hell and Back, Jon Wiederhorn, Rolling Stone (Feb 8, 1996)


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