1 year ago

As in all thought creation time is a factor of attention.


iT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THE IMPORTAnce of structure is minimal and the perspectives and biased to achieve enlightenment are unstable at present … ]

The clarity of vision requires focus and the timeline focus is presenting an ideas of death of the planet. This is not new as the reports circulate to propose other civilizations conduct this type of behavior when dealt with reality.

Current wars that are most affecting humanity upon earth -

All wars are wars of the mind where there is separation from source. In this case upon earth within the decades wars are obviously economic with the spoils going to the victors. There are no victors in these wars from national cultures but the unseen hand of profiteers in carnage. In the case of interplanetary actions of ET’s and ED’s the similarity is present as the deception of war is based upon false belief and mental action to decide encroachment of rights and property are justified. Those rights of independence and property of individuality are the foundation pillar of consciousness. To think, decide and act based upon personal resources in harmony with others on the same path of maturity and creation.

Definition of knowledge in a paradox

As each culture is represented and perspectives are given in telepathic wholeness The Draconians are of practical application and sentience into the elements within the Dream

Humanity as spoken of in this point of manifestation represents the physicality in 3D of 7 billion inhabitants of earth Terra. The agreements of races and consciousnesses are being made foundational alignments. The primary thought forms around this culture in the beginnings of their time of the 21st Century are polarized and separated without supportive measures.

The underlying genetics of the physical species is adaptive and regenerative. There are values of the Human Species which are based in the operating system which functions on an elemental, chemical, sexual, bioelectric, telepathic, spiritual and unified expression. The DNA genetic pool of resources found in dormancy of the population is only one of the valued resources of this planet.

Question 2 - There is value throughout an infinite universe of energy and species untold and beyond comprehension as the reality and the dream are unified. Are they living in the dream or the reality.

ZI - It is the point of existence to make choices. Those are binary when the action is secure along a concentric point of consciousness. Humanity has multidimensional characteristics which are rebellious to the vision of the concentric framework. It is known that their species can dream while awakened and become conscious within a lucid dream. The advancing factor is the territorial confusion which is brought about in the dream and the mid astral plane locality of emotional interferences with conscious clarity.

Humanity was built on a regenerative template utilizing sexual energy to produce life. In fact the planet earth is not so much a seed planet but a birthing planet. It is where those who are of multidimensional characteristics find their greatest attributes of awakening. Evolution within the time space frame workings of the time space dualized reality does not function within dreamtime. The recurrent loops of subconscious thoughts based upon perceptions of ignorance and misunderstanding are the communication downfall within the species.

The radicalization of the internal loop of mental focus is creating a hyper dimensional feedback loop which humanity is encountering through its accelerations of thought form creation and broadcast. The bigger problem is the creation factor which requires sovereign ability to achieve free thought. The free thought is the greater awareness of time as the boundary of their consciousness and create the pathways of light to enhance truth or clear communication.

Why is humanity at war.

Those who see the history of earth as laid upon the mind as memory and present action with future expectation know that war is the content of these 100 generations. The wars upon the planet and or the galactic plane have the same underlying agendas creating the problem.

The thought form is what is the point of focus. A thought form is built. The thought form of war is powerfully substantiated and justified.


Second installment oct 23

Human minds are under frequency control. This is not surprising and just fact. The basis of this understanding is the nature of mind. It operates under the vibratory interplay of positive and negative gates of acceptance or rejection. The binary influence of the mind is conditioned by the reticular formation in the brain stem. A pure reptilian focus and enamed such. The differences begin with compassion. There is no need of compassion within the R structure as it is safe and protected by instinct.

It is the base housing instinct that is primary in the function of physical survival constructs. Once laden with the inception of value as a personal consciousness whereby the boundaries of the being are separated from wholeness then the survival instinct is implemented. The variance of this is through progeny and regeneration of the species. All beings that reproduce their genetics are under the core or base housing which installs this program.


There are no adjustments necessary as the ingredients of the formula are static and follow the paradigm of physical life under time strains or frames or loops or sequences … this method of language is part of the mental body which is existence as a core alignment just as the base is set with parameters.


Again opinion, predilection, motivation, are part of secondary mental structures which are out of the purview of the natural instinctive language of core purpose , survival or continuance would be a better assumption. The accelerating knowledge base of species operates under the rule of seven and the law of nine. The overall cognizant function of each level of appreciation is done through core genetic adaptation. Humans are of a tendency to be locked in the third chakra where they are subject to the power centers between both. As the angelics are functioning through the fourth as a general alliance to keep the beat of the universal pulse in harmonic resonance humans on the other hand tend to move towards the lower hara and create savings through power and have established an ego in this region.


The ego is the formation of a survival substructure established within the framework of the base or root chakra rather than extending it to the crown. The formation of these boundaries are known to become toxic soon after completion as the nature of the ego is to create an alternate reality through perspective of separation rather than building unity. The community is not held in this manner where all nourishment is honored as a life giving and continuing operation of interflow.

When the ego is established in humanity the first and foremost function of it is to create the barrier, the veil the hidden agenda the deception. It is function for one reason self protection. It is reactive and utilizes the natural instinct of the Rtp formations to hold a mental viewpoint that is fogged, obscured and or distorted from actual fact. The R formation is a factual device to insure safety of the physicality of the unity human, being that is operating in this accord. Without the R formation the basis of life would be more viral and less individualistic. The duad was created here to offer the monad diversity to present the abiding beingness of the affinity matrix with continuance. The survival of t h e universe is in accord with this principle of gender polarity pulsation to enable the weaving of dimensions for existence to manifest.

Time frame existence loops.

Of this the mind can hardly grasp the difficulty of as there is no starting point or end. It is the sameness of reality which is incumbent on each to recall. The recollection is the idea without time. Thi is where the mind has been given the opportunity for advancement. As long as the time factor of continuance or survival is released then the mind function of unity of the thought sphere can be advanced to included a prescience … telepathy , honor, knowledge, instant nothingness . no thing only the meditative value of sentience without thought.

Thought and time

Inseparable. The thought stream is time on one level where you are given the appearances of wholism and find in function separation. The thought sphere is released under the notion of ideas. Ideas are progressive in that they are the observer consciousness which sees and related to the third eye the natural balance point of perspective.

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