100% Male To Female(MTF)Transformation Subliminal/Look And Sound Like Ahsoka Tano

1 year ago

Info: The goal of this subliminal audio is to shift your consciousness into a timeline where you were always a female since your conception and birth and that you will literally become a look alike/clone of Ahsoka Tano.

More Benefits:
☯️Same voice as Ahsoka Tano
☯️Have Ahsoka Tano‘s singing voice and vocals
☯️Same exact face as Ahsoka Tano
☯️Be like Ahsoka Tano
☯️Always A Woman Since Conception
☯️Female mental thought process
☯️Have Your Desired Vagina
☯️Desired Female Breasts
☯️People will see and remember you as always being a girl
☯️Have the power to become pregnant
☯️Have periods
☯️Female butt ❤️
☯️Pick your Age
☯️Have Female DNA and insides
☯️Rids Your physical form of unwanted hairs in unwanted places on your physical form
☯️Male Clothes Change To Female Clothes As A Result Of Your Reality Shift
☯️All papers and media used to identify you will change to show that you have always been a girl

*Results may vary since were all different but if you start to get a headache then it is highly recommended that you take a break and drink plenty of water.

*🤞🏻Brief Disclaimer🤞🏻: this subliminal video and audio is only made for imaginary, fictional, fantasy, and role playing purposes only🤞🏻 and should not be taken seriously🤞🏻. It is highly recommended that you talk to your local doctor or medical expert before listening to Subliminals.

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