Binance is a platform used by the CCP to collect intelligence

1 year ago

8/3/2023 【Aila on @SteveGruber Show】Aila Wang: Binance is a platform used by the CCP to collect intelligence. It also serves as a perfect way for the CCP, Russia, and Wall Street to conduct money laundering. Despite the digital currency ban issued by the CCP's central bank in 2021, Binance continues to receive support from the CCP. Isn't this strange?
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
8/3/2023 【小飞象参加史蒂夫·格鲁伯节目】小飞象:币安是中共收集情报的平台,也是中共、俄罗斯及华尔街从事洗钱活动的完美途径。虽然中共央行在2021年就颁布了数字货币禁令,而币安在中共市场却仍获得了中共的支持。这难道不奇怪吗?
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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