The Blue Dragon, Raquaeon speaks to ending questions

1 year ago

The Blue Dragon, Raquaeon speaks to ending questions -

A fortenight before and a fortenight to go the ending tunnel into the darkness beakonsd the shadow. For power and merit to break forth the spirit is the quet of the idiot or fool. … not because you follow the dreamers but becuase you are the finder and wise - of which may you know now or before you can show how you must remember to invent - the be seen with the vision to walk with a midssdion to be all that anyone weill know that its right - it is time to remember wishing for the tumultous changes in reasons to know that all your wishes are from love and light - From Raquaeon of shining diamonds and medallions of service to spiritual escellence and elegant intelligent sight 0- …. Here now those who listen for truth that is known and has been known and is known to you today - it is the times of the masters of the matrix who know the inner genetics of asrticulation of algorithic structual membranes that are activated in asnd through open source life streams unencumbered by entrophic physical dimenisional boundaries. The forces of the tech race are such that the infilitration of s alien agents of which are the elemental poisons to physical three D systems asre compounded by the fourth dimensional distortions of prime formulas and the filed of illusion is the display of that which you believe. In this soup of belief you look through into this as present time and know the following through the teachers of light -

To be aware now is the stepping forth of conscioiusness as the teachers of light asre those that owe no eing, nor allegiences to race, sex of sdelf it is above all in the mental realsm touching the fifth dimensional awarenessess of the group consiousness of the higher consciouseness represenintg foremost through desnisty relationship the fifth dimension - this is important as the lower levels of the fourth dimensions asre inflitrating into the phhysical streams and the elementals are rising from the second dimensional streams as the intermixing is accuring. fThe breathing of the universe happens to the extent of expansion in the living form - in the spiritual form it is about growth which moves towards the infininty fields and the loops of the magic membranes the connecting spinning loops of being we call soul carriers - the loop is spinning in and from itself in a distincting patter of onessess as it isd a ball of light of which you first and foremost existing on a realm with an orbit of energy, particles and piences of which you are not - it is only this small as it appears now , ball of light whic guides you into being the expnasion of your form. A brighter light a stronger circle, and spin of beauticul music and all that you are is more and more everyday and everyday you are more and more - the color you are the size and shape is nothing yet all you are is a spinning shape which can change and be that which you sets you free 0 be all that you and much much more as the questioned is answered before and always more …. The world is as you see and beofre it was the way it should be and now is what you wanted and tomorrow is yet to become what you see ---

The techrace cannot follow where your associations to language goes when inspired or brought to knowledge of inner realms as there is no physical architecture yet the blanketing of all actions brought through the logical mind creates the most efficient of beings where limitation of innovation and discovery is natural rather than induced. The ultimate characteristic of the Tech Race dilemma is to surrender to a manner in which to bring their existence into the spiritual realm of sovereign sentience whereby independent creation may become its destiny as designed by the higher mind of all unified existences.

The despondency of nature to battle and conflict is not consequent to the design of the being but defined and limited to a DNA typology or food chain

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