A Quick Update for Tomorrow's "LIVE SHOW!"

1 year ago

Starseeds and Patriots of Down Under are Pleased to announce that the Stars aligned Once Again for "Whistleblower BoB" and Myself, and We are able to come together.
"BoB" Will be sharing with Us All his Experiences with Remote Viewing and Insights to its Real Life Applications!
How they can also be used & Utilised by Different 3 Letter Agencies for Nefarious Purposes!
We Will also be talking about The Congressional Committee Hearing in Relation to U.A.P.'s or better known as U.F.O's.
This is the New Terminology being Used Now to confuse the Masses.
A Simple Change of Syntax!
We will also be Looking over the Sections 1-10 of the New Laws coming in Relation to the Pentagon Finding these U.S.A.P.'s, Or better known as,
(Unacknowledged Special Access Projects)
Off the Books Black Budget Programmes.
By perusing over these New Laws, gives Us Greater Insight as to how the Global Disclosure will Carry Out On A Public Level!
I have Also Managed to get a Hold of
David Gruschs CVA or as we know it,
A Resumé!
All of his Work History and all the Different Compartmentalized Programme's he has been a Part Of, throughout the time he has worked Above Cosmic Clearance Level!
David Grusch Is On The Level and Telling the Total Utmost TRUTH within Disclosure that is Happening Publicly!
We Will be also showing Everyone a Bit of TRUTH in Plain Site!
I have a Copy of the U.S Patents Office Release of Transparent Aluminium!
(Released in 1985)
And how this Product has been in Many Movies and T.V shows over the Many Yrs!
This Product Specifically was Named by Name in a Movie Released In 1985.
"Star Trek The Voyage Home!"
As "Q" Cyber Military Intelligence References in their Earlier Posts 2-3 Years ago.....
"We Have Everything We Need".
"Future Proves Past!!!!!"
And in this Case.....I'd Dare say this has Significant Relevance to this Product being Brought Out, Being One Of 7000 Patents Under Trump's Executive Order to be Released from Being Top Secret or Under the National Security Act!
Free and Open Access Information to the Public!
We Will cover how this Transparent Aluminium Will Virtually Change the World in Such a Small Time!
🛸👽🛸👽🛸👽🛸👽🛸👽🛸👽🛸👽🛸Come along And please Join in with "Whistleblower BoB" & Myself @1Pm Sharp E.S.D.T for an Awesome And Informative Show.
Turn the Notification Bell 🔔 on and Be sure to Tune In to Starseeds and Patriots of Down Under Sunday Arvo!
I Can't wait to See You All there in the
Live Chat! 🛸👽💫❤️

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