It's Guillotines Time America - They Killed Trevor Moore

1 year ago

The CIA killed 1,000,000 people in Indonesia, 1000 in Jonestown, 200,000 in Guatemala, tens of thousands more in East Timor and Chile, Senator Paul Wellstone, 3,000 Panamanians, over 100 witnesses to their JFK hit, Senator Hale Boggs, 3,000 on 9/11, then a million more - literally almost all civilians in the 2 fraudulent wars they did with Cheney and Bush and countless others - all while illegally spying on us and transferring - I shit you not - transferring $47,000,000,000,000 in wealth to the top 10% of pedo billionaires elites who are their only real constituency.

where's liam neeson at?
the epstein caste needs to die like the fictional sex traffickers in Taken.
we need imaginary hollywood CIA characters that aren't complicit in sex trafficking rings or guillotines. I'm good with either.

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