Excess Deaths From Radiation Poisoning in ALL Major Cities of California - Podcast Highlights

1 year ago

All cause excess mortality in California and European countries related to the launch of 4G, 4G plus, and 5G technologies

Anders Brunstad will finalize and submit a paper on the effects of electromagnetic fields on the human bio field for publication in a peer-reviewed journal by the end of the month.


Anders Brunstad said: "... official Californian sources, and I grouped data into counties and age groups and years ..."

Decrease in Engagement

Anders Brunstad said: "... in this case, Santa Cruz. Santa Barbara is the lower, so Nom is in the ..."

Dr. Robert Young will gather and provide the correct statistics on the number of cell towers and antennas in San Diego, California.

Key Question
What are the differences in regulations and policies that affect the construction and placement of cell towers and antennas in different cities and areas?

Differences in antenna construction and regulations in different cities and areas

Anders Brunstad will research and provide information on the regulations and policies that determine the number of antennas and their placement in different cities.

Dr. Robert Young will research the range of frequencies used in different technologies, specifically focusing on the range from 8.4 gigahertz up to 60 gigahertz.

Key Question
How does nanotechnology amplify the harm caused by electromagnetic fields?

Nanotechnology and its connection to electromagnetic fields

Key Question
What is the main cause of excess mortality in 2020 and how is it related to vaccines and EMF radiation?

Excess mortality and its possible causes, including the impact of vaccines and EMF radiation.

Dr. Robert Young will publish the translated information provided by Anders Brunstad on his scientific blog and encourage support for Anders' work.

Key Question
What measures can be taken to reduce the environmental impact of new antennas and frequencies?

The weaponization of technology and its impact on the planet, including plant life, animal life, bird life, and marine life.

Key Question
How can we promote stricter Emf regulations and suggest non-medical protocols to avoid harm caused by Emf?

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