UAP: The Problem with The Problem Problem | Dr. John Hnatio | ONN

1 year ago

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The Objective News Network is dedicated to giving every consumer of the news the true facts presented in an objective way, free from bias. To accomplish this goal, we strive to present all sides of an issue by researching and presenting information on both sides of every story we publish. Our collective goal is to promote civil discourse on solutions to the pressing social issues of the day. Dr. John Hnatio, as Editor in Chief, of the Objective News Network, is responsible for the content and presentation of the news we publish.

This is John Hnatio reporting for the Objective News Network.

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This has been an exciting few days with the hearings on unidentified flying objects or UFOs, now re-named by the Pentagon as “Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon,” or UAPs. Up on Capitol Hill highly credible people like military jet pilots and former intelligence officers are telling us that they have encountered UAPs with technological capabilities well beyond ours, that the U.S. has been conducting a UAP retrieval program for years, that the government actually has possession of other worldly craft and to top it all off that we actually possess the “non-human” biological remains of extraterrestrials.

Video chapters
1. 00:00 – Intro
2. 00:17 – The Recent UFO/UAP Hearing
3. 01:17 – Before We Start Making Any Judgements
4. 04:37 – If Governments Across the World . . .
5. 06:22 – There Is Good News in All of This
6. 07:39 – Outro

Video references

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